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6 novembre 2010 6 06 /11 /novembre /2010 15:32

BDSM is a continuum of erotic practice and expression involving the consensual use of restraint, intense sensory stimulation, and fantasy power role-play. The compound acronym, BDSM, is derived from the terms bondage and discipline (B&D or B/D), dominance and submission (D&S or D/s), and sadism and masochism (S&M or S/M). BDSM includes a wide spectrum of activities, forms of interpersonal relationships, and distinct subcultures.





"Gorean men though harsh were not cruel.
Perhaps it should only be added that the Gorean Master, though strict, is seldom cruel. The girl knows, if she pleases him, her lot will be an easy one. She will almost never encounter sadism or wanton cruelty, for the psychological environment that tends to breed these diseases is largely absent from Gor. This does not mean that she will not expect to be beaten if she disobeys, or fails to please her Master"

Outlaw of Gor page 53


GOR IS NOT SM (sadism and masochism),

GOR IS BD/s (bondage and discipline (B&D or B/D), dominance and submission (D&S or D/s)


Les hommes Goéens si dures, ne sont pas cruels.

Peut etre faudrait t-il ajouter que le Maître Goréen, si stricte soit-il est rarement cruel. La kajira sait, que si elle plait à son Maître, son sort sera facile. Elle ne rencontrera preque jamais le sadisme ou des motifs de cruauté, car l'environnement psychologique qui tend à reproduire ces maladies est largement absent de Gor. Cela ne signifie pas qu'elle ne sera pas battue si elle désobéit, ou échou à plaire à son Maître.

Outlaw of Gor page 53


Bonjour à Toutes et Tous,

Je reviens sur ce bref article suite à un constat:

Gor est mal vu par la communauté BDSM pour ce qui me semble être de l'ignorence.



(on dit)=Les femmes sur Gor n'ont droit à rien, elle sont escalves et n'ont aucun droit de parole....



il existe sur gor des femmes libres et dominantes. elles sont respectées de tous, et on plus que largement droit de parole!

Entre les livres et ce que l'on retrouve dans Gor SL, ou RL, il y'a une grande différence.

Attention aux fausses idées préconçuent sur Gor.


Dans Gor SL/RL, une esclave l'est par choix. Il s'agit d'un acte volontaire, d'un choix personnel, et ses droits sont ceux que lui fixe son Maître au sein de leur relation et qu'elle a accepter de son propre chef. Gor SL/RL est nettement plus soft que ce que l'on retrouve dans les livres qui n'est que pure "fiction".


Gor SL/RL pronne le respect, la découverte de sois par une relation D/s poussé où le sadisme/masochisme n'ont pas lieu d'être.

Bien sûre l'éducation comme dans le BDSM passe par la punition/discipline, mais celle ci n'est jamais gratuite et reste toujours la conséquence d'un manquement aux règles fixés par le Maître dans le respect de la philosophie goréenne. On ne vas pas chercher la petite bête pour assouvir ses penchants sadiques, si c'est le cas, alors c'est hors cadre et non goréen.


Gor est un échange entre personnnes adultes et consentantes, dans le respect, vers une recherche du plaisir partagé au travers d'une relation basé sur l'aspect D/s "pure".

C'est en quoi Gor est mal interprété, D/s extrème ne signifie pas déviance, mais un choix de vie, tout comme le SM en est un autre.


Le Bdsm pronne le respet, et trop souvent quand on aborde Gor au sein de la communauté Bdsm, celui ci est tres souvent remis en cause, par l'ignorence de la culture Goréene tel qu'elle est vécu dans notre société moderne.


Gor est une philosopie basé sur des pratiques et des règles issues d'un livre qui n'est qu'une fiction, et trop souvent mal interprété, il s'agit d'une sous culture inclue dans ce large univers qu'est le BDSM.


Gor n'est pas SM, Gor est bondage et discipline (B&D ou B/D), dominance et submission (D&S ou D/s), Gor est  BD/s.


Avant de juger, prenez le temps de découvrir, sans quoi vous ne valez pas mieux que tout ces gens qui vous jugent quand vous leurs parlez de votre tendance BDSM.




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3 novembre 2010 3 03 /11 /novembre /2010 23:46

I been told that Story by a Kajira i have shared time long ago, and i want you to share with you the story she once told me:


An essay by Eno jansma:

The Three Brothers

Once there were three brothers. They worked as miners, digging in the mountains for gold and precious gems. They worked together for many years; always they were on good terms and helped each other when one had difficulties. They enjoyed their lives working far away from the cities, occasionally visiting the near-by town to trade their finds and buy food and wine and tools for their mines.
One day while they were in the town they stopped at a tavern to get refreshment before their journey home. In the tavern they saw three girls, two were serving Masters and the third was dancing in the sandy pit at the back of the tavern.
One of the girls had raven black hair and skin the color of creamy blackwine. He eyes were dark and she was serving a Master dressed in rich robes of a physician. The oldest brother saw her and desired her for his own. He approached the tavern owner and asked about the girl.
“Aye” said the owner, “I would sell her, but my price will be high.”
The brother looked at the girl once more and his heart beat faster.
“What is your price?” the oldest brother asked the tavern owner.
The owner told the brother and the brother said he would return in the next month to buy her. He hoped to mine enough so that his share would pay for the girl.
The second girl was fair, with golden blond hair and bright blue eyes. Her skin was like porcelain and as she knelt to serve a group of warriors, the middle brother knew that he must have the girl for his own. He approached the tavern owner and inquired about the girl.
“Aye” said the owner, “I would sell her, but my price will be high.”
The brother looked at the girl once more and his heart beat faster.
“What is your price?” the middle brother asked the tavern owner.
The owner told the brother and the brother said he would return in the next month to buy her. He hoped to mine enough so that his share would pay for the girl.
The third girl had rich brown hair, long and shiny; it fell down her back in cascades to her waist. Her skin was lightly tanned and her eyes were bright emerald green. The youngest brother watched the girl as she danced and his heart was filled with love for her. He approached the tavern owner and asked if she was for sale.
“No” said the tavern owner. “She is my favorite and I will not sell her”
The youngest brother pleaded and offered the tavern owner gold and gems and a fortune if he would only sell the girl. But the tavern owner would not change his mind.
The three brothers sat at a table and drank ale and talked of the girls. Each claimed his favorite the most beautiful. The two older brothers spoke excitedly about how they would mine all month and return to buy their girls. The youngest sat in silence, sad that he was unable to buy the girl he loved. As they sat there, the tavern owner watched them but he spoke no more to the brothers and at last they left for the mountains.
All that month the three brothers worked hard. The oldest two were determined to mine enough to buy the girls their hearts desired. The youngest, although he knew that he could not buy his beloved, yet was kind hearted and wished for his brothers to be happy. That month they all worked hard, digging in the mine for long hours, each night counting the gold they had dug from the ground. All this time, the youngest brother worked harder that either of his brothers. In part he wished them to be able to buy their girls, but in the most part, he found that while her worked hard his own heart did not ache so badly.
At the end of the month the brothers were happy with their haul. They traveled to the town and went to the exchange to have their gold weighed. When it was spit three ways, as was their custom, it was a tidy sum. But it was not quite enough for the two older brothers to buy the girls from the tavern owner. The youngest brother saw the disappointment in their eyes, and split his take so that his brothers had enough and the youngest still had sufficient to pay for their provisions.
They went to the tavern and the oldest brother spoke to the tavern owner.
“Here is the price you asked, let me buy the black haired girl from you.” He asked.
“Did you earn all this yourself?” Asked the tavern owner.
The brother explained how they had worked and that still his share had not been sufficient and how his youngest brother had given him the extra he needed.
“Well, you have met my price, and I will sell you the girl. Her name is raven because of her hair” The tavern keeper took the money and handed raven to her new Master.
Next the second brother came to speak to the tavern owner.
“Here is the price you asked, let me buy the blond haired girl from you.” He asked.
“Did you earn all this yourself?” Asked the tavern owner.
The brother explained how they had worked and that still his share had not been sufficient and how his youngest brother had given him the extra he needed.
“Well, you have met my price, and I will sell you the girl. Her name is goldie because of her hair” The tavern keeper took the money and handed goldie to her new Master.
Then the tavern owner summoned the youngest brother to him.
“Do you not wish to make me another offer on the girl you liked?” he asked, knowing full well that the brother did not have any money to buy her.
“You said you would not sell her.” The brother answered. “I believed you, but do you now say that you will sell her when I have no money to pay for her?” He was distraught and feared that he had lost his chance to buy the girl he loved.
“You are right, I will not sell her.” The tavern owner replied. “But I have seen and heard what you have done for your brothers. You worked hard, though it benefited you nothing. And then you gave up your own coins so your brothers would be happy. You are a good man. A better man than I perhaps” He smiled, “And though I will not sell my girl to any man, I will give her to you as a gift.”
He called the brown haired girl to his side.
“This is your new Master, girl” He said and saw how their eyes locked and knew they were very much in love. “Her name is charity and she is yours.”


Hope you liked it like i did.


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12 octobre 2010 2 12 /10 /octobre /2010 19:36

1. An unowned slave was commonly nude on Gor

-----(Slaves were often allowed rags or brief tunics which could easily be taken away as punishment.)

"Indeed, one of the powers the master holds over her is his decision as to whether or not she will be permitted clothing. Withdrawing this permission can be a punishment; permitting clothing may express his satisfaction with the slave." --Mercenaries of Gor, page 444

"On the other hand, nudity is not as shocking or surprising on Gor as it seems to be, generally, on Earth. Girls may be sent on errands nude, usually as a punishment, they are often nude in coffles, when chained in sales pavilions, and so on." --Mercenaries of Gor, page 445

2. In the books white, yellow and red silk denoted a slave's level of training

-----(A white silk denoted a virgin, a red silk denoted a non virgin, sometimes the girl being marked by a strip of silk tied to her collar.  She was not necissarily dressed in these collars at all times.  Girls in a particular tavern in Gor were dressed in yellow but that was that establishment only.  It was not a Gor wide standard.  There is no color coding of slaves to mark the abilities or roles unless it is done in a personal house or establishment)

"The expression "red silk," in Gorean, tends to be used as a category in slaving, and also, outside the slaving context, as an expression in vulgar discourse, indicating that the woman is no longer a virgin, or, as the Goreans say, at least vulgarly of slaves, that her body has been opened by men. Its contrasting term is "white silk," usually used of slaves who are still virgins, or, equivalently, slaves whose bodies have not yet been opened by men."
"Blood Brothers of Gor" page 472


3. The proper spelling of the word for collar on Gor is ko-lar

-----(the use of ko-lar appeared in the books to show the pronounciation of the word only)

"Ko-lar," she said, indicating her collar.
"It is the same word in English," I cried. She did not understand my outburst. Gorean, as I would learn, is rich in words borrowed from Earth languages; how rich it is I am not a skilled enough philologist to conjecture. It may well be that almost all Gorean expressions may be traced to one or another Earth language."
"Slave Girl of Gor" page 80


4. Goreans called the world on the other side of the sun Urth 

-----(Its just earth, there was no fancy word for the planet)

"'Let us not jest, Tarl Cabot,' said Cernus. 'We knew that Priest-Kings would suspect our House, as we intended that they should; so simple a ruse, and profitable a one, as selling barbarian Earth girls under the auspices of the House would guarantee their investigation." --Assassin of Gor, page 260

5. The correct way for a Gorean to say farewell is 'Winds and Steel' or 'Winds'

-----(The most common goodbye was simply "I wish you well"  farewells in the books were not 'safe paths', 'soft paths', 'soft pillows', 'see ya laters' or even 'g'byes hottie'There is no farewell "Winds" used in the Books)

"I wish you well," said Nar, using a common Gorean phrase of farewell."
~Tarnsman of Gor, page 94~


6. Slaves are never to use "tal" as a greeting to the Free. This is a term reserved only for Free-to-Free...

-----(Tal is the gorean word for goodbye or farewell and was universally used by all regardless of role.  The hand gesture to accomany the word Tal was forbidden to slaves to use)

"Tal,' I said, lifting my right arm, palm inward, in a common Gorean greeting."
"Outlaw of Gor" page 28

 "Tal, Master," they said to me.
    `Tal, Slave Girls," I said to them."
    "Tribesmen of Gor" page 345


7. Slaves ALWAYS spoke in the third person

-----(third person or slave speak was used as a disciplinary action to punish a slave or remind her of her place.  On occasion a girl would humble herself by using the third person to beg favor or such but it never was used constantly)

"Do you want Darlene branded?" she asked.
    "No," I said, "of course not!" I was surprised that she had spoken of herself as she did, using her name. This is not uncommon, of course, among female slaves."
    ~ "Fighting Slave of Gor" Page 147

"Who!" she demanded.
"I did," I cried. "I did!"
"Speak as a slave!" demanded Ute.
"El-in-or betrayed Ute!" I cried. "El-in-nor betrayed Ute!"
---Captive of Gor, 15:287
8. All owned slaves must wear a collar

-----(collars were at the discretion of the owners and most did wear some form or another ranging from bands of steel, to knotted leather strings, to plant vines.  However, there is no law stating that a collar is required)

"The slave cannot free herself. She can be freed only by an owner. The condition of slavery does not require the collar, or the brand, or an anklet, bracelet or ring, or any such overt sign of bondage. Such things, as lovely and symbolic as they are, as profoundly meaningful as they are, and as useful as they are for marking properties, identifying masters, and such, are not necessary to slavery. They are, in effect, though their affixing can legally effect embondment, ultimately, in themselves, tokens of bondage, and are not to be confused with the reality itself. The uncollared slave is not then a free woman but only a slave who is not then in a collar. Similarly a slave is still a slave even if her brand could be made to magically disappear or, if she has been made a slave in some other way, if she has not yet been branded. Indeed, some masters, somewhat foolishly, I think, dally in the branding of their slaves. Indeed, some, perhaps the most foolish, do not brand them at all. Such girls, however, when they come into the keeping of new masters, usually discover that that oversight is promptly rectified." --Renegades of Gor, page 287
9. All slaves must be branded on Gor

-----(according to Merchant law, all slaves offered in public sale must bear a brand.  A slave offered in a private sale, or privately collared does not require a brand.  It is up to the owner should he wish it done)

  "'Some fellows do not brand their slaves,' I said.
   'That is stupid!' she said.
   'It is also contrary to the laws of most cities,' I said, 'and to merchant law, as well.'
   'Of course,' she said.
   Gorean, she approved heartily of the branding of slaves.
   Most female slaves on Gor, indeed, the vast majority, almost all, needless to say, are branded. Aside from questions of legality, compliance with the law, and such, I think it will be clear upon a moment's reflection that various practical considerations also commend slave branding to the attention of the owner, in particular, the identification of the article as property, this tending to secure it, protecting against its loss, facilitating its recovery, and so on. The main legal purpose of the brand, incidentally, is doubtless this identification of slaves. To be sure, most Goreans feel the brand also serves psychological and aesthetic purposes, for example, helping the girl to understand that she is now a slave and enhancing her beauty." --Vagabonds of Gor, page 195


10.Gor kitchens were called serverys

-----(The word 'Servery" does not appear in any of the Gorean books.  They are simply called kitchens.  There were no scriberies, they were simply libraries)

"There was the odor of food in the kitchen, and of spilled drink. There were several yards of sausages hung on hooks; numerous canisters of flour, sugars, and salts; many smaller containers of spices and condiments. Two large wine jugs stood in one corner of the room. There were many closed pantries lining the walls, and a number of pumps and tubs on one side. Some boxes and baskets of hard fruit were stored there. I could see the bread ovens in one wall; the long fire pit over which could be put cooking racks, the mountings for spits and kettle hooks; the fire pit was mostly black now, but here and there I could see a few broken sticks of glowing charcoal; aside from this, the light in the room came from one small tharlarion oil lamp hanging from the ceiling."
"Assassin of Gor" pages 271/2

11.To be a "good Gorean" you must have a through knowledge of the Kassar language or Old Gorean

-----(Most of that language was made up online.   There were a handful of words provided in the books but not enough to provide a full vocabulary. A few other made up words, are celane melone, servery, chillery, blackwyne, nidan, jashi, fadu, chaq, ahleena, jerag, vana'she, avan'shea..)

    "… Old Gorean, a language cultivated by the Initiates but not spoken generally on the planet…"
    — Tarnsman of Gor, page 40.

12. A slave must perform a Karta before entering a room

-----(the postion Karta never appeared in the books.  It was a bastarization of the word "harta" or hurry.  A girl may be required by an owner to perform an act of obesience before entering a room, but that is a personal preferance of the owner and not a planet wide standard)

 "Observe," once had said Elizabeth to me, to my amusement, in the secrecy of our compartment, "the twelfth way to enter a room," I had observed. It was not bad. But I think I preferred the tenth, that with the girl's back against the side of the door, the palms of her hands on the jamb, her head up, lips slightly parted, eyes to the right, smoldering at just the right temperature. "How many ways are there," I asked, sitting cross-legged in the center of the compartment, on the stone couch, "to enter a room?" "It depends on the city," said Elizabeth. "In Ar we are the best; we have most ways to enter a room. One hundred and four." I whistled. "What about," I asked, "just walking straight through?" She looked at me. "Ah," said she, "one hundred and five."
    ~ "Assassin of Gor" page 204
13. Slaves never ask for forgiveness but must beg mercy instead

-----(a slave can ask for forgiveness all she wishes.  It is up to the free she is asking whether she gets it or not)

"Forgive me, Mistress," I begged. "Did you lie?" she asked. "Yes, Mistress," I said. "I lied! I lied! Forgive me, Mistress. Please, forgive me!"
"Fighting Slave of Gor" page 67

14. Before offering a drink, a slave must ask the Free if they want it tested

-----(the ten step serve and all of its components are not from the books.  The ritual was created in chatrooms and the practice spread.  The pouring of drinks at the foot of the free and the kissing of the cup is a part of the serve.  All other parts can be debated.  A free most certainly can tell a slave to test the cup but a slave would not offer out of hand)

"One of the men lifted his cup and I hurried to him. I took the cup and filled it. (...) then I pressed my lips to his cup as I must, as a slave girl, and handed it to him."
"Slave Girl of Gor" page 89
15. To entice a Master it is correct for a slave to 'sweeten the rim'

-----(sweeting drinks by masterbating into them..is not in books.  A slave could get beaten or worse for allowing her body to come into contact with the part of the cup that touches the lips of the free.  Even the standard kiss was placed on the side or at the bottom where they would not be in contact with the part the free drank from)

 "I served the food, and poured the wines, and kept their goblets filled, remaining as much in the background as possible.
 They talked of hunting, and war, and of the northern forests, as though I were not there.
 Sometimes Verna would say, 'Drink,' and I would pour wine into her goblet, saying, 'Yes, Mistress,' and sometimes Rask of Treve would command me, saying 'Drink,' and I would then, similarly, serve him, saying 'Yes, Master.'
 He extended his goblet to me. 'Drink,' he said, offering me the cup.
I looked at the rim of the cup. I shook with terror. 'A slave girl dares not touch with her lips the rim of that cup which has been touched with the lips of her master,' I whispered." --Captive of Gor, page 302

16. A slave must test the rim of a vessel on a sensitive body part before serving the Master False

-----(A free would not expect an 'animal' to touch their skin or clothing to an eating or drinking surface.  A slave may run a cloth covered finger over the surface if there was a question of the vessels integrity but it there was no need for it to be done as common practice)

 "I served the food, and poured the wines, and kept their goblets filled, remaining as much in the background as possible.
 They talked of hunting, and war, and of the northern forests, as though I were not there.
 Sometimes Verna would say, 'Drink,' and I would pour wine into her goblet, saying, 'Yes, Mistress,' and sometimes Rask of Treve would command me, saying 'Drink,' and I would then, similarly, serve him, saying 'Yes, Master.'
 He extended his goblet to me. 'Drink,' he said, offering me the cup.
I looked at the rim of the cup. I shook with terror. 'A slave girl dares not touch with her lips the rim of that cup which has been touched with the lips of her master,' I whispered." --Captive of Gor, page 302
17. A slave may never directly ask her Master to use her. She must make a silent request such as a bondage knot or offering him larma fruit

-----(a slave could always ask or beg to be used and it was done frequently when the need set upon them.  The used of bondage knots and gifts of larma were also used as a more subtle means of begging)

"She backed away a bit and then, on her belly, crawled to me. She timidly pulled back the furs and pressed her lips to my thigh. Her lips were soft and wet. She looked up at me, tears in her eyes. "I crawl to my master on my belly," she said, "and beg for his touch."
I smiled.
I, a guest in the tent, now stood to her, of course, as master. Such girls come with the price of the lodging.
"Please, Master," she wept, "take pity on me. Take pity on the miserable needs of a girl."
I threw off the furs, and motioned her to my arms. She crept into them, sobbing."
Beasts of Gor pg 88


18. When leaving a Master a slave took three steps back

-----(a slave would take care to avoid being rude and offering her back to the free blatantly.  However, they did not twist in circles avoiding it, nor was there a certain amount of steps they were required to back away before turning.  They simply used common sense)

"The girl went to the opened planking and fell to her knees beside it, the wooden scoop in her hands.
"Return to me," said the Forkbeard, harshly.
Frightened the girl did so.
"Now turn about," said he, "and walk there as a bondmaid."
Her face went white.
Then she turned and walked to the opened planking as a bondmaid."
Mauraders of Gor - pg 64


19. Before offering a drink to a Master, a slave held the vessel to her heart for three beats False

-----(a slave could be taught any ritual by their owner and would learn to do it perfectly each time.  However, there was no standardized holding the cup over the heart for any length of time that every slave was required to do)

 'Serve me wine,' he said.
 I, carrying the wine crater, rose to my feet and approached him. I then knelt before him, with a rustle of slave bells, in the position of the pleasure slave. I put my head down and, with both hands, extending my arms to him, held forth the wine crater. 'I offer you wine, Master' I said.
He took the wine, and I watched, in terror. He sipped it, and smiled. I nearly fainted. I would not be beaten." Captive of Gor, page 332

20. Bazi tea was served as a long formal ceremony on Gor much like the Japanese tea ceremony

-----(there is no formal ceremony for serving tea in Gor.  It was served at the feet of the free very much like blackwine.  There was were instances in the book where three cups were used, but no formal ritual was performed.)

"An herbal beverage served hot and heavily sugared; traditionally drunk three tiny cups at a time, in rapid succession." --Kajira of Gor, page 332

"We lined up, single-file, at his counter. There was a cup and a pitcher of Bazi tea on the counter. Bazi tea is a common beverage on Gor. Many Goreans are fond of it. I was last in line. He took our disks from the out-board and hung them, one by one, in their places, on the in-board." --Kajira of Gor, page 371-372

"Haroun smiled. 'Let us discuss these matters over small cups of Bazi tea at the end of the day,' he suggested. 'There are more important matters to attend to at the moment.'" --Tribesman of Gor, page 325


21. Once a slave, a female can never be made a Free Woman

-----(a slave can be freed and must carry manumission papers on her for the rest of her life.  However, should she be branded or pierced, those markings will never fade though they may be concealed)

"A girl with pierced ears is, of course, either a slave or a former slave. If she is a former slave, her papers of manumission had best be in perfect order. More than one freed woman, because of pierced ears, has found herself again on the block, again reduced by strong men to the helpless state of bondage. Such a woman is usually, by intent, sold away from her city, delivered for a pittance to a foreign buyer."
Slavegirl of Gor - page 102

22. Black wine is a common drink on Gor

-----(Black wine was NOT found everywhere on gor. It's actually extremely expensive.  It was exclusively grown in the thentis region of Gor and to get it elsewhere was not only difficult but very costly)

“Thentis does not trade the beans for black wine. I have heard of a cup of black wine in Ar, some years ago, selling for a silver eighty piece. Even in Thentis black wine is used commonly only in High Caste homes.”
Assassin of Gor, p. 107
23. Some Gorean drinks were served in mugs

-----(the use of a mug was never found in the books)
24. Assasins required special drink serves

-----(no special ritual was ever shown in the books when an assasin or member of the black caste was served)
25. Ka-la-na served in a silver goblet would become toxic or poisonous

-----(there is no such occurance ever mentioned in the books of this type of reaction from Ka-la-na or any other type of drink)

  "I thrust out the silver Paga goblet, studded with rubies, and Telima, standing beside my thronelike chair, filled it. I did not look upon her."
    — Raiders of Gor, page 223.
26. Slaves are not allowed to touch coins

-----(slaves were allowed to touch coins but were not allowed to carry unexplainable money on them)

"What do you have there, in your hand?" he asked. She clutched the tarsk more tightly. "Open your hand," said the leader. She opened her hand, revealing the silver tarsk. He walked to her and removed it from her hand. "Have you been permitted to touch money?" he asked. "We could always check with her master," suggested a fellow."
    ~ "Dancer of Gor" page 275

27. Slaves were never allowed to look a free in the eyes

-----(sometimes not only was it permitted, it was required by a free.  Sometimes denial of eye contact was used as a form of punishment.  There is no planet wide standard for eye contact)

"Sometimes in training, incidentally, or as a discipline or punishment, the slave is not permitted to look into the eyes of the master. Indeed, sometimes, in training, she is not permitted to raise her eyes above the belt of the trainer…..also, many slaves find it difficult to look into the eyes of the master. He, after all, holds total power over them and they fear to displease him. What if he should interpret her gaze as suggesting the least insubordination or insolence?….But there is on Gor no discouragement, commonly, of eye contact between masters and slaves. Indeed, in the deep and profound relationships of love and bondage, such eye contact is usually welcomed and encouraged."
~ Savages of Gor, page 258, 259~
28. Slaves prayed over a cup before serving it to the free

-----( A slave may express a desire for her, her service or the drink to be found pleasing but no formal praying)

"In her training, of course, she had heard some of the instructrices speak of Priest-Kings but she herself had been taught no prayers or ceremonies pertaining to them. She had once inquired about them, but she had been informed that such matters were not the concern of animals, and she, of course, as a slave, was an animal." --Prize of Gor, page 571.
29. Facestripping of Freewomen was common in Gor

-----(Face Stripping was rare in Gor and could constitute a crime, men could not just facestrip a free woman against her will, unless they had a serious reason.

   "Face-stripping a free woman, against her will, can be a serious crime on Gor. On the other hand, Corcyrus had now fallen. Her women, thusly, now at the feet of her conquerors, would be little better than slaves. Any fate could now be inflicted on them that the conquerors might wish, including making them actual slaves."
    ~ "Kajira of Gor" page 183
30. Freewomen were prohibited from entering taverns

-----(in some they were, in some they were not.  A freewoman did take her chances when visiting a tavern.  Any hint of her displaying slave heat and she would be collared)

“In most paga taverns,” he said, “free women are not permitted. In some they are.”"
"Kajira of Gor page 122
31.A free woman could be collared for striking a man

------(There was no law that prevented a Freewoman from striking another free)

"Twenty gold pieces, I'd say," appraised Elizabeth.
"I'd give twenty-three," said one of the men watching, the same fellow whom
Elizabeth had slapped.

32. Ai is the gorean way of saying yes

------(The word "Ai" appears in the books as an exclamation and not with the meaning of Yes.)

"I think it will do you good to feel this," I said, shaking out the five, soft, broad blades. I then went behind her.
"Ai!" she cried, struck. "It hurts, so!" she wept, now, a moment later, beginning to feel the pain in it's fullness, now on her stomach, disbelief in her eyes."
"Mercenaires of Gor" page
In fury the free woman turned about and slapped him again, it not being his
day in Ko-ro-ba. (Assassin of Gor)
33. A slave on Gor was not allowed to be restricted

------(not all Masters allowed for public use of their property.  While a slave couldn't refuse a command of a free, a Master could restrict her use by not making her available for general use, either by keeping her hidden away, locking her in a belt, or simply stating his intent not to share. )

"What is it, Bran Loort, that separates men from sleen and larls?" asked Thurnus.
"I do not know," said Bran Loort.
"It is the codes," said Thurnus.
"The codes are meaningless noises, taught to boys," said Bran Loort.
"The codes are the wall," said Thurnus.
"I do not understand," said Bran Loort.
"It is the codes which separate men from sleen and larls," said Thurnus. "They are the difference. They are the wall."
"I do not understand," said Bran Loort.
"You have left the shelter of the wall, Bran Loort," said Thurnus.
"Do you threaten me, Thurnus of Tabuk's Ford?" asked Bran Loort.
"You stand now outside the shelter of the wall," said Thurnus.
"I do not fear you!" cried Bran Loort.
"Had you asked of me my permission, Bran Loort," said Thurnus, indicating me with a gesture of his head, "willingly and without thought, gladly, would I have given you temporary master rights over her."
I lay in the dirt, my hands bound behind my back, the rope on my neck, watching. It was true what Thurnus had said. I could have been loaned to Bran Loort, and would have had to serve him as though he were my own master.
"But you did not ask my permission," said Thurnus.
"No," said Bran Loort, angrily, "I did not."
~ SLAVE GIRL OF GOR, 11; Pages 226-227

"These girls may be exchanged among the men, but commonly they are not. Most masters are rather possessive about their slaves, particularly if they are fond of them. "
~ GUARDSMAN OF GOR, 16; Page 209

Although Marcus was harsh with his slave, pretending even to a casual brutal disdain for her, he was also extremely possessive where she was concerned. Indeed, he was almost insanely jealous of her. She was not the sort of girl, for example, whom he, as a host, even at the cost of a certain rudeness and inhospitality, would likely to hand over for the nightly comfort of a guest. It would be at his slave ring alone that she would be likely to find herself.
Magicians of Gor - 27
34. There were female warriors on Gor

-----(There were female outlaws on Gor..but to clarify the intent of this, let the words of John Norman himself speak clearly on the matter)

The following quote from John Norman comes from a letter he wrote to his publisher in 2001 at Worldof Gor.com.  This and excerpts on other topics can be found at http://gorchronicles.com/modules/smartsection/item.php?itemid=76

Registration is required to view the post, but it is free.

"There are no 'female warriors' on Gor. Gor is on the whole an honestly male-dominated realistic world. Indeed, this honesty is one of the things that commends it to romantic, heterosexual, hormonally normal women. Antimenite fantasies, man-hater fantasies, frustrate fantasies, and such, belong elsewhere. There are panther girls, and talunas, on Gor. These are not, however, women warriors. They are unhappy, frustrated, disturbed women half alienated from their sex. They tend to run in dangerous feline packs. Once captured and subdued it is said they make excellent slaves. 'Bring me into the collar if you can!' 'I am now yours, Master.'

"...... 'Amazons' are for female frustrates, and perhaps male weaklings, or masochists. Ms. Conan does not belong in the Gorean world. Let her pump her iron elsewhere. In the Gorean world such a character would seem out of place, and silly. The Gorean movies, of course, in their shameless pandering to PC, had recourse to such unGorean absurdities. Macho maidens are rampant in contemporary fantasy, a concession in part to antimenite threats and demands, a concession in part to the politics of devirilization. Let them abound where they will in the fantasies of frustrates and opportunists, but they do not belong on a realistic world. ......"

Copyright 2001 John Norman.  All Rights Reserved.
35. Assasins did not take slaves on Gor

-----(there was nothing the stopped them from doing so.  They may have faced a danger in the slave leaving them vulnerable, but it happened)

  "Once the wall had been broken, Drusus, of the Assassins, had departed with several men." --Beasts of Gor, page 191

   "'Those who brought you to Gor,' I said, 'doubtless had that fate eventually in mind for you.'
   'That is a lie!' she said.
   'It would have been easy enough to find ugly women,' I said.
   'No,' she said. 'No!'
   'You are too beautiful to be long left free,' I said.
   'No!' she said.
   'It is my conjecture,' I said, 'that you were eventually to be given to Drusus.'
   'Given?' she said.
   'Of course,' I said, 'as a slave.'
   'No!' she cried.
   'You are indeed naive,' I said. 'Do you think a woman as beautiful as you on Gor could long keep out of the collar?'
   She looked at me with horror. I gagged her, that she might not cry out." --Beasts of Gor, pages 201-202

   "'Drusus,' said Arlene. 'You must help us!' She had once commanded him.
   He looked at her, and she shrank back. 'There is a pretty little slave, too,' he said.
   She, terrified, tried to cover her body with her hands, half naked in the pleasure silk. How vulnerable pleasure silk makes a woman.
   'I own her,' I told him.
   'I shall have her,' he said.
   'Oh?' I asked.
   'Yes,' he said, 'she was originally brought to Gor with the eventual object of being at my feet. I picked her out from several future slaves.'" --Beasts of Gor, page 399

   "Men about me were enacting similar ceremonies of enslavement with other embonded wenches. Ram, I saw, took none. He was satisfied with lovely Tina, who had been the Lady Tina of Lydius. Drusus, I saw, had put a pair of beauties in sirik. He sent them to the sled on which he had been allotted space for his belongings, including two slave girls." --Beasts of Gor, page 490

35. A freewoman could be treated as a slave in the privacy of her companions home

-----(Gor is a mans world and how he treated his women in his home was up to him.  Each companionship was different)

 "This harsh treatment, incidentally, when she is thought to deserve it, may even be inflicted on a Free Companion, in spite of the fact that she is free and usually much loved. According to the Gorean way of looking at things a taste of the slave ring is thought to be occasionally beneficial to all women, even the exalted Free Companions.
   Thus when she has been irritable or otherwise troublesome even a Free Companion may find herself at the foot of the couch looking forward to a pleasant night on the stones, stripped, with neither mat nor blanket, chained to a slave ring precisely as though she were a lowly slave girl.
   It is the Gorean way of reminding her, should she need to be reminded, that she, too, is a woman, and thus to be dominated, to be subject to men. Should she be tempted to forget this basic fact of Gorean life the slave ring set in the bottom of each Gorean couch is there to refresh her memory. Gor is a man's world." --Priest-Kings of Gor, pages 63-64

36. Slave wine would have to be administered monthly or it was ineffective.

-----(In the first few books, slave wine lasted several months, so it was repeated frequently. As time went on, the Physicians developed better formulas. The slave wine became effective for an indefinite period of time. In fact, until a "releaser" was given to allow the slave to be bred. It is, however, still given on a regular basis as a reminder to the slave of her slavery...and "just in case" it's not an indefinite fix for her.)

"Slave wine is bitter, intentionally so. Its effect lasts for more than a Gorean month. I did not wish the females to conceive. A female slave is taken off slave wine only when it is her master's intention to breed her." --Marauders of Gor, page 25

"The effect of the slave wine endures several cycles, or moons; it may be counteracted by another drink, a smooth, sweet beverage, which frees the girl's body for the act of the male slave, or, in unusual cases, should she be freed, to the act of the lover; slave girls, incidentally, are almost never freed on Gor; they are too delicious and desirable to free; only a fool, it is commonly said, would free one." --Slave Girl of Gor, page 72

"She did not need the sip root, of course, for, as she had pointed out, she had had some within the moon, and, indeed, the effect of sip root, in the raw state, in most women, is three or four moons. In the concentrated state, as in slave wine, developed by the caste of physicians, the effect is almost indefinite, usually requiring a releaser, as suggested, for its remission, usually administered, to a slave, in what is called the breeding wine, or the 'second wine.'" --Blood Brothers of Gor, page 367

   "'Slave wine,' he said.
   'Need I drink that?' I asked, apprehensively.
   'Unless you have had slave wine,' he said, 'I have no intention of taking you through the streets clad as you are. Suppose you are raped.'
   I put the flask, which he had opened, to my lips. Its opening was large enough to drink freely from. 'It is bitter!' I said, touching my lips to it.
   'It is the standard concentration, and dosage,' he said, 'plus a little more, for assurance. Its effect is indefinite, but it is normally renewed annually, primarily for symbolic purposes.'
   I could not believe how bitter it was. I had learned from Susan, whom I had once questioned on the matter, the objectives and nature of slave wine. It is prepared from a
derivative of sip root. The formula, too, I had learned, at the insistence of masters and slavers, had been improved by the caste of physicians within the last few years. It was now, for most practical purposes, universally effective. Too, as Drusus Rencius had mentioned, its effects, at least for most practical purposes, lasted indefinitely." --Kajira of Gor, page 136

"Slave wines have been developed by the caste of physicians to regulate and control slave breeding. The wines are effective. The effect of most lasts several years, but the dose is commonly renewed annually, often on the evening before the master's birthday." --Players of Gor, page 256
37. Slaves were common in Gor

----------(they actually made up a small percentage of the general population in Gor.  The numbers of slaves  seen in SL Gor and on personal chains are grossly unbalanced and exaggerated compared to the books and unrealistic)

Normally only about one in forty or so Gorean women in the cities is enslaved. Free Gorean women, incidentally, enjoy a prestige and status which, it seems to me, is higher than that of the normal Earth woman." --Explorers of Gor, page 529

38. The kneeling position where the hands are crossed at the back of a slave is known as "Bracelets"

-----(It is a variation of Nadu or the postion of the pleasure slave.  Bracelets is a standing position in which a slave assumes for her hands to be bound)

"The position of the Pleasure Slave, incidentally, differs from the position of both the free woman and the Tower Slave. The hands of a Pleasure Slave normally rest on her thighs but, in some cities, for example, Thentis, I believe, they are crossed behind her. More significantly, for the free woman's hands may also rest on her thighs, there is a difference in the placement of the knees. In all these kneeling positions, incidentally, even that of the Pleasure Slave, the Gorean woman carries herself well; her back is straight and her chin is high. She tends to be vital and beautiful to look upon." --Priest-Kings of Gor, page 41

"Bracelets," he snapped.
She put her head in the air and placed her hands behind her back. —  Hunters of Gor, page 146

He had removed a pair of light bracelets, joined by about five inches of light chain, from his pouch. "Slave bracelets," he said. "Turn around, facing the door, your hands behind your back." —  Kajira of Gor, page 132

"Bracelets!" snapped Ho-Sorl suddenly, and Phyllis flung her wrists behind her back, threw back her head and turned it to one side, the instantaneous response of a trained girl. —  Assassin of Gor, page 214

"Bracelets!" I said in Gorean harshly.
The girl snapped to position, hands behind the small of her back, head lifted, chin up, turned to the left. In such a posture she may be conveniently put in bracelets and leashed. —  Tribesman of Gor, page 78

39. There is red sugar on Gor

-----(while it may be true, red sugar is never specifically mentioned in the books.  There are 4 colors of sugar with only two being specified.  Red salt however, was specifically mentioned)
"Lola now returned to the small table and, kneeling, head down, served us our dessert, slices of tospit, sprinkled with four Gorean sugars." --Rogue of Gor, page 139

   "She carried a tray, on which were various spoons and sugars. She knelt, placing her tray on the table. With a tiny spoon, its tip no more than a tenth of a hort in diameter, she placed four measures of white sugar, and six of yellow, in the cup; with two stirring spoons, one for the white sugar, another for the yellow, she stirred the beverage after each measure."
    ~ "Tribesmen of Gor" page 89
"All were laughing and drinking. Only Kamchak seemed solemn. Near him, in places of honor, at a long, low table, above the bowls of yellow and red salt, on each side, sat many of the high men of Turia, clad in their finest robes, their hair oiled, scented and combed for the banquet." --Nomads of Gor, page 262

-----------------------------------------------------40. Healing herbs found on earth were also common on Gor

-----(while it is common in sl gorean roleplay to fall back on the use of medicinal herbs since the fine details of Gorean medicines are not provided in the books, plants such as willow bark and agrimony  are never specifically mentioned)

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26 août 2010 4 26 /08 /août /2010 15:36

Tal Gorean!


Too often in Second Life Gorean Community we are facing a clear ignorance with currency. People paying gold Tarns like if they were Billionare, or Silver coins when Copper was the most common coinage used in Gor By The Book!


I will copy here quotes and an analyse from Sir Luther, which is currently the most serious and realistic document in Second Life Gorean Community, about Currency and how you could Roleplay Buying/Selling!!!


It is very IMPORTANT to Stop the completely irrealistic Trade being done actually on SL Gor and change to a common Currency Sytem, Realist and common!



Head Merchant of Tyros




GOREAN ECONOMY & PRICING  (#54, Version 5.0)

     The Gorean economy is not depicted in great detail in the novels.  The monetary system can be confusing and there are scant references on the prices of many items.  Norman had little need for an extensive pricing list.  But, we are able to make some useful generalizations and deductions based on what references do exist.  Hopefully this scroll will guide people to a more realistic understanding of the economic world of Gor.

     The basic Gorean coin is about 1 ?" in diameter and 3/8" thick.  There is either the image of a tarsk or tarn on one side of the coin and a letter on the other side.  The letter signifies the city of origin of the coin.  The coin is surprisingly heavy for its size though no actual weight is given. The books mention several different types of coins including the tarsk bit, the copper tarn, the copper tarsk, the silver tarn, the silver tarsk, the gold tarn, and the double gold tarn.  But, there is some confusion over whether all of these coins should actually exist within the currency system.  The primary problem is that though the copper and silver tarns are mentioned in the early novels, they seem to vanish in the latter books.  The latter novels are also the primary place to find detailed currency conversion references and these passages fail to mention the copper and silver tarns.

     By analyzing the references to these coins, it appears that Norman may have phased them out during the first ten books.  It seems that Norman tried to make a more coherent currency system in the latter books and chose to jettison the copper and silver tarns.  It appears he chose to make those coins to be copper and silver tarsks instead.  This is supported by the more detailed currency conversion information provided in the latter fifteen books.  The latter books in a series are often the more authoritative on issues as they benefit from more careful consideration.  Thus, in this scroll I will be substituting the tarsk coin for any reference to a copper or silver tarn in any pricing reference.  The currency system is thus, from lowest denomination to highest: tarsk bit, copper tarsk, silver tarsk, gold tarn, double tarn.  This makes a logical and coherent system.

     There is little standardization in currency exchange rates on Gor.  At each Sardar Fair, the bankers try to pass a motion standardizing coinage rates but it never passes.  Bankers are a subcaste of the Merchant Caste and are literally known as "coin merchants."  The particular currency ratios vary from city to city and region to region.  From four to twenty tarsk bits equal one copper tarsk.  From ten to one hundred copper tarsks equal one silver tarsk. It does seem standard though that ten silver tarsks equal one gold tarn.  A double gold tarn is worth two gold tarns.  The most detailed description of a currency equivalency system is in Magicians of Gor (p.469).  Though this may hold only for some cities, it is of benefit none the less.  Eight tarsk bits equal a copper tarsk, one hundred copper tarsks equals a silver tarsk, and ten silver tarsks equal one gold tarn.  In Port Kar and the Vosk basin region, there are ten tarsk bits to a copper tarsk, and 100 coppers to a silver tarsk.  Certain coins though are respected and accepted in most cities.  These include the golden tarn disks of Ar, Ko-ro-ba, and Port Kar, the silver tarsk of Tharna and the golden stater of Brundisium.  A stater is simply another term for a gold coin and it derives from ancient Greece.

     Paper currency does not exist on Gor.  This places a burden on someone wishing to carry a large amount of money as so many coins would be extremely heavy.  Luckily, there are alternatives.  Banks also deal in notes, letters of credit, drafts and checks.  This vastly reduces the burden in large purchases, especially for Merchants who might be making large purchases of stock.  Most cities have a Street of Coins, either a street or district, where all sorts of financials services are available.  Money lending, loans, is one of these available services.  Little else is said though concerning the services offered by Gorean banks.

     We need to place the currency system into a perspective that can be understood.  This will give us a better framework to understand prices and wages.  An excellent starting point is this quote: "A gold tarn disk is more than many common laborers earn in a year." (Tribesman of Gor, p.158)  This helps show the value of a gold tarn and it is supported by other quotes. "Five pieces of gold, in its way, incidentally, is also a fortune on Gor. One could live, for example, in many cities, though not in contemporary Ar, with its press on housing and shortages of food, for years on such resources." (Magicians of Gor, p.468-9).  "A golden tarn disk was a small fortune." (Tarnsman of Gor, p.191).  The value of silver tarsks is also generalized in the novels.  "A silver tarsk is, to most Goreans, a coin of considerable value."  (Rogue of Gor, p.155)  "My financial resources, the ten silver tarsks,?such a sum would last a man months on Gor." (Rogue of Gor, p.59)

     Let's try to translate this into U.S. dollars then.  If we assume a common laborer made minimum wage or a bit above that, then a gold tarn would be at least between $15,000 to $25,000.  For simplicity's sake, we can average this to $20,000.  Now that we have a starting point, we can use it to translate the other Gorean coins into U.S. currency.  If we assume ten silver tarsks equal one gold tarn, then a silver tarsk is worth about $2000.  If we then assume 100 copper tarsks equal one silver tarsk, then a copper tarsk is worth about $20.  If we then assume eight tarsk bits equal a copper tarsk, then a tarsk bit is worth about $2.50.  Please remember that these are only rough approximations.  They give you a relative comparison between Gorean and Earth prices.

     The wages of a common laborer would then be about 1-2 copper tarns a day.  More skilled laborers would earn more money.  For example, a sail-maker in Port Kar earns 4 copper tarns a day.  A High Caste Builder, such as a fine shipwright in Port Kar, could earn as much as 1 gold tarn a day.  Based on my above Earth comparisons, this shipwright would be earning over seven million dollars a year.  To hire an average mercenary, a price of a silver tarsk a month would be a good wage and many would not even get that much.  If this is a Gorean month, he would average 4 copper tarsks a day.

     Obviously, a person's wage is determined by several different factors.  The type of Caste, the skills of the person, the knowledge level required for the job, the city, rarity of one's skills, wealth of one's employer and more will help determine the wage.  Most wages for Low Castes will be in copper tarsks per day.  There will be few who receive silvers tarsks per day and even fewer that receive gold tarns per day.  Try to think about the matter realistically.  If an average mercenary's wage is less than a silver tarsk a month, would anyone pay a mercenary 10 gold tarns a week unless that mercenary happened to be Dietrich?  Make comparisons in your wage calculations.  If you pay a mercenary 1 gold tarn a month, is he really worth ten other mercenaries?  Gold tarns should generally not be the common currency of your role-play.

     In online RP, everyone can be as rich as they desire.  Cyber-money is infinite.  If you wish to have one million gold tarns, there is nothing stopping you from claiming to have that much. Thus, we have seen some outrageous prices paid for wages or other items such as slaves.  Gold tarns are tossed around as if they were pennies.  If this were a table-top RP game, we would have a monetary system to help limit such outrageous spending.  Though a monetary system for online RP would be helpful, logistically it is a difficult system to enact and enforce. The best we can ask for is for players to be more realistic in their spending, more appropriate to their Caste and likely income.

      There are few fixed prices on Gor.  Haggling is the norm when you wish to purchase an item.  In haggling, the buyer and seller negotiate a price that is acceptable to both parties. Sometimes they are not successful in reaching an agreement on the price and no transaction occurs.  Most Goreans enjoy haggling and see it as an entertaining game.  A buyer who is able to negotiate an extremely low price for an item may give the seller extra money anyways.  A seller who is able to negotiate an extremely high price for an item may give the buyer part of the purchase price back.  These are simple rewards for excellent haggling.  Part of the game sometimes involves insults to the other party.  A buyer may accuse the seller of being a thief who is selling shoddy material.  A seller may accuse a buyer of being a miser who wishes to cheat the seller out of a fair price.  This is taken in good stride as people understand that it is only part of the game.

     When haggling, each side begins at an extreme position.  A seller asks for far much more than the item is worth and the buyer offers an amount much less than the item is worth.  From those points, a series of offers and counteroffers work toward some middle ground.  Most items have a standard range of values and the buyer and seller are usually aware of that range. Each then tries to get the best value within that range.  A number of factors will affect that standard value range though.

     Each city has different pricing.  For example, Ar is one of the most expensive cities to live in. Venna is another expensive city.  The rarity of an item will also help to determine its price.  In general, it will be more expensive in areas where it is rare.  This leads to another related area, demand.  No matter how rare an item, it is worthless unless there is a demand for it.  A tarn would be rare in the polar region but there would be little demand for one as the red hunters do not know how to control tarns and tarns would not do well in the cold temperatures. Pricing will also vary based on the individual's desire either to buy or sell an item.  A buyer who truly desires an item may pay more than it is worth to possess it.  A seller who is selling a treasured item may be unwilling to part with it except for a far greater amount that it may be worth.  Being aware of all the relevant factors when you are haggling will aid you in obtaining the best possible price.

     Some mercantile transactions, especially outside of the cities, do not use currency.  Bartering is the alternative method used to buy and sell items.  Bartering is essentially the trading of items of equivalent value. G enerally, you trade an item you have many of to obtain an item you need.  For example, hunters may trade the pelts they have obtained for weapons or manufactured goods.  Bartering also occurs in the cities, though most often when a person from the barbaric lands comes to the city to trade.  That person will bring common, but valuable, items from their homeland to try to exchange them for items that are rare to them.  The red hunters trade often for Bazi tea and sugar.  Panther girls trade for candy and arrow heads.

     There is some pricing information on certain Gorean items, at least allowing us to consider general pricing guidelines.  Though for some items, we have very little to go on.  For example, we have no real information on the price of weapons.  As Norman was not creating a world for role-play, he had little need for such details.

     Food and drink prices:  Most of the price information we have for food and beverages is based on prices in taverns.  It is standard in most paga taverns that a copper tarsk will get you a cup of paga, some basic food and the services of a paga kajira.  A dancer is extra, costing about two copper tarsks.  In one tavern in Port Kar, they have huge paga bottles, kept in a pouring sling, from which the serving slaves pour cups of paga.  One of those bottles sold for a silver tarsk.  Kal-da, a Low Caste beverage, is said to be cheap and likely costs less than paga.  Thus, it likely sells for only a few tarsk bits.  A cup of water from a street vendor in Tor sold for a copper tarsk.  Wines come in many varieties and qualities, just like Earth wines. Examples include Ka-la-na, Ta wine, Palm wine and more.  Prices for them will vary from cheap copper tarsk wines to superb gold tarn wines.  The most expensive wine on Gor is Falarian wine.  It is so rare that some believe it is only a legend though references show that Marlenus possessed some.  Though no actual price was given, it is said that a bottle would cost as much as a small city.  This would place it out of the reach of most Goreans.  Another expensive drink is blackwine, Gorean coffee.  Blackwine comes from beans grown only in Thentis and they zealously guard this product.  Even in Thentis, it is generally only the High Castes who can afford it.  A cup of blackwine was sold in Ar for a silver tarsk and eighty coppers.  This is not an item that most taverns would be able to keep in stock and it is not an item most Goreans, especially Low Castes, could afford.

     Inn prices:  An inn differs from a tavern in that an inn has rooms for one to stay the night. In Renegades of Gor (p.51), a price list is given for an inn's available services.  But, due to the Cos/Ar war, many of the prices were inflated by the inn's owner by about a factor of five.  The price list was thus:

Bread and paga 2 C.T. (copper tarsk)  

Other food 3-5 C.T.                                                                                                   

Lodging 10 C.T.                                                                                                        

Blankets (2) 2 C.T.                                                                                                         

Bath 1 C.T.                                                                                                                      

Bath girl 2 C.T.                                                                                                            

Sponge, oil and strigil 1 C.T.                                                                                           

Girl for the night 5 C.T.                                                                                                      

T. (Tharlarion), Greens and Stable 2 C.T.                                                                          

T. (Tarn), Meat and Cot 5 C.T."

     In an average inn, you might be able to negotiate the prices.  The average price for lodging, food and paga is only two to three copper tarsks a night.  A bath, bath girl, oils, strigil, and sponge all normally cost one price.  The prices may vary seasonally though, which would thus depend on supply and demand.  In Tarnsman of Gor (p.165), a tarn keeper is asked to house, groom, and feed a tarn.  He is also asked to have it ready immediately when it was needed.  He was initially given a silver but he grumbled a bit and then was given a second silver.  This seems like an exorbitant amount though it may be excused as it is from the first book when the monetary system was a rough and incomplete idea.

     Slave prices:  There are dozens of references in the novels to the prices of slaves.  The prices range from a copper tarsk to many gold tarns.  A mere list of these references is not that useful due to the great variation involved in such pricing.  Luckily, an analysis of the references does indicate some general guidelines.  "In a sense a woman is worth as much or as little as someone is willing to pay for her." (Magicians of Gor, p.338)  One man might feel a girl is worth only a silver tarsk while someone else might see her as a gold tarn girl.  Slave preferences vary greatly.  Like all other Gorean prices, there are also a multitude of variables involved.

     The general class of slave will affect one's price.  Fighting Slave of Gor (p.163-165) gives some useful guidelines in this area.  The most inexpensive slaves are female work slaves purchased for public kitchens, laundries, mills, etc.  These are the kettle-and-mat girls, the pot girls and other such lowly slaves.  The next level of slaves are the male work slaves who commonly work on cargo galleys, wharves, fields, and quarries.  They are often criminals or war captives.  The next general level, the most common type of slave, are the ones who can be used as a pleasure slave.  These slaves are not all trained pleasure slaves per se but only slaves for whom part of their duty is to sexually please their owner.  The next level are the male silk slaves, a rare breed on Gor.  The most expensive slaves though are generally special pleasure slaves, dancers, exotics and passion slaves.  These slaves are generally all highly trained.

     Slaves who were once High Caste generally are worth more than Low Caste ones.  Pierced ears, once a mark of degradation, now also increase a girl's value.  Individual slaves also often appreciate in value over time.  "Slavery, for example, marvelously, subtly, tends to bring out the beauty in a woman. Many women, after a year or two in bondage, become so beautiful that they can double or triple their price." (Players of Gor, p.23)  If a slave is young when she is initially sold, her value may increase once her body matures into a more womanly figure.  As a girl's training level and knowledge increases, her value also appreciates. Pleasure slave training and dance training are key elements in raising a girl's price.

     The place where you purchase a girl may also affect the price.  The most expensive girls are sold at the Curulean, the most prestigious auction house in Ar.  Slaves desire greatly to be sold here because they are often guaranteed to be sold to a wealthy owner.  A slave girl is seldom sold here for less than two gold tarns.  A beautiful, High Caste woman commonly sells for thirty to fifty gold tarns while a Low Caste woman will sell for half that amount.  Based on the above mentioned Earth conversion rates, a High Caste woman might be sold for up to $1,000,000.  In other auction houses, the slaves would sell for much less.  A gold tarn in such other places might purchase a girl worthy enough for a Ubar's Pleasure Gardens.

     The most expensive slave would likely be the daughter of a Ubar or even a Ubara herself. In a private sale, she might bring up to 10,000 gold tarns.  In a public sale, where her status was unknown, such a woman might only be worth a few copper tarsks, dependent on their beauty.  Exotics also get top prices due to their rarity, special abilities or talents.  Passions slaves are one of the more common exotics and they garner high prices.  Exotics such as poison girls or women who are raised never knowing the existance of men would be very expensive commodities.

     Auctions generally bring the highest prices for girls due to the number of bidders.  An auction brings out the competitive nature of man and can cause girls to be sold for amounts higher than they are worth.  Other girls may be sold for set prices at a slaver's house.  Purple booths are also used to girls in private sales though generally only to important or wealthy buyers.  These booths are commonly set within the courtyard of a slaver's house or at a fair.  In each booth there will be a special slave, one of a slaver's best.  A potential buyer can examine and try out the girl in the booth and then negotiate a price with the slaver.

     Certain physical types also garner higher prices in areas where those physical types are a rarity.  For instance, blue-eyed, blond women are rare in the Tahari region so they are more valuable there.  Other physical types are not so much as rarer but more desired in certain regions.  For example, in Torvaldsland they prefer large breasted women so pay more for them.  In general, auburn hair increases the value of a slave in many areas.

     Most male slaves are inexpensive and usually will not garner more than a silver tarsk.  The exception is male silk slaves whom commonly sell for four to six silver tarsks.  A silk slave is a pleasure slave for a free woman.  They usually bring higher prices than basic female pleasure slaves only due to their rarity.  Most Gorean men make poor silk slaves.

     The most inexpensive of slaves are infants.  It is not unusual in the cities for free women to sell their infant daughters into slavery.  Some women even do it on a regular basis, as an added form of income.  Two tarsk bits is a standard price for an infant.  The price could be higher depending on the qualifications of the mother.  The women doing actually make a pittance when you consider all of their time and labor.  Based on the above mentioned Earth conversion rates, they average $5 for their infant.

     Most men cannot afford to own more than one slave at a time.  But, a slave is often a good investment.  As many slaves appreciate in value over time, a man can eventually sell his slave for a profit and either buy a more expensive slave or multiple slaves.  Once you can afford a single slave, you will likely then always be able to own a slave.  A buyer must realize that his costs are not contained to the original price of the slave.  Upkeep costs are constant such as food, clothing, equipment or whatever other items a slave might require.  Upkeep costs can be closely monitored by the owner though, spending only what he desires.  He could obviously keep a slave naked and feed her only the cheapest foods.  He could on the other hand keep her in fine silks with a jeweled collar.  It is all a matter of personal preference.

     Miscellaneous Prices:  The novels contain a scattering of price information on a number of other items.  They also ignore the prices of many others.  I will list the items with price information here but please note that these are general prices only, subject to many other factors. Use these as a guide and not as an absolute.

Tarn:  The price for a tarn will depend on the type of tarn, be it a draft tarn, saddle tarn or war tarn.  A tarn might cost as little as a gold tarn or up to four gold tarns.  A tarn is worth five to ten slave girls. (Tarnsman of Gor, p.191)(Tribesman of Gor, p.43, 106)

Sleen:  Trained sleen are expensive.  They might cost one hundred times the cost of a slave. (Savages of Gor, p.29)(Dancer of Gor, p.161)  Even the rental of a sleen would be more expensive than the rental of a slave.  Sleens are often rented by the Ahn while a slave would be rented by the day or hand. (Kajira of Gor, p.250-1)

Tarsk:  A prize tarsk is often worth more than a slave girl. (Savages of Gor, p.29)

Snow Lart:  The snowy white pelt, in good condition, of this arctic animal could sell in Ar for half a silver tarsk. (Beasts of Gor, p.74)

Kailiauk:  A robe of yellow kailiauk, even in average condition, can sell for up to five silver tarsks. (Savages of Gor, p.141)

Perfume:  A vial of perfume will depend muchly on its quality.  It might be very cheap, such as five two-hort vials for a copper tarsk or as much as a gold tarn or "eight stone of gold" for an exceptional perfume.  The books do not explain though what a "stone" of gold constitutes. (Marauders of Gor, p.114)(Fighting Slave of Gor, p.218)

Slave rental:  To rent a slave for a quarter Ahn, in Ar costs one copper. (Assassin of Gor, p.156)

Slave manuals:  These books on the feeding, care and training of slaves are relatively inexpensive. (Maurauders of Gor, p.144)

Slave boarding:  To board a slave costs a copper tarsk a day and training would cost extra. (Tribesman of Gor, p.53)

Branding:  It costs a copper tarsk to brand a slave. (Explorers of Gor, p.74)  A Metal Worker was given a silver tarsk for two brands and to saw off a metal collar.  He was very pleased with the payment. (Beasts of Gor, p.137)

Slave collars:  In general, slave collars were not made of precious metals and did not have expensive gems on them.  First, few could afford to do that. Second, such items are much more valuable than the slave and would leave her even more tempting to a thiefSome would feel no compunction with killing a slave to steal her bejeweled collar.  The few girls that possessed such items were the personal slaves of the wealthy and those girls did not wander around a city unaccompanied.

Slave locker:  It costs a tarsk bit to use a slave locker.  You put your coin into a machine and receive a key to the locker.  You can then leave your slave girl here and lock it. (Magicians of Gor, p.67)

Bath girl:  The cost for a bath girl with vary depending on the quality of the bath and the quality of the bath girl.  The cost generally ranges from a copper to silver tarsk for their use. (Assassin of Gor, p.160-1)

Camp slaves:  These are girls owned by merchants who hold contracts to supply girls to soldiers.  They rent the girls to the soldiers for a fixed fee, usually a very nominal amount. (Kajira of Gor, p.193)(Mercenaries of Gor, p.216)  This would likely be a copper tarsk or less.

Brothel:  The prices of brothels depends on the quality of the place.  There are cheap tarsk bit places but also very expensive brothels.  A common price would be a copper tarsk, the same amount you would pay at a paga tavern. (Mercenaries of Gor, p.312)(Magicians of Gor, p.154)

Coin girl:  These slaves go out into the streets at neck seeking to earn money for their use, generally only a tarsk bit.  The money is placed into a small locked box.  Satisfaction is guaranteed or you can get your money back from the girl's owner. (Rogue of Gor, p.89-90, 234-5)(Guardsman of Gor, p.143-50, 157-8)

Whip:  The basic five-bladed whip will cost one to two copper tarsks. (Magicians of Gor, p.468)

Body chain:  A simple body chain will cost a tarsk bit. (Rogue of Gor, p.71-2)

Slave goad:  This is similar to a tarn goad but designed for humans.  Almost only professional Slavers own these because they are very expensive.  It is probably safe to assume their cost is in gold tarns. (Assassin of Gor, p.84-5)

Physician:  Little is said about the cost of a Physician's services.  There was only reference where a Physician earned a tarsk bit for cleaning, sterilizing and dressing a wound. (Beasts of Gor, p.104)

Sardar Fair:  At the Sardar Fairs, the prices of many things are much higher than normal.  For example, rental sleeping space at a public tent costs five copper tarsks.  Normal cost would likely have been one tarsk. (Beasts of Gor, p.50)  The cost for a reserved seat during the Kaissa match of Scormus and Centius cost two gold tarns. (Beasts of Gor, p.82)

Sea Passage:  To book passage from Port Kar to Schendi, it cost one silver tarsk and it cost a copper tarsk extra for the keeping and feeding of livestock such as a slave. (Explorers of Gor, p.73, 76)

Barge Passage:  To book passage on a barge crossing the Laurius River, it costs one silver tarsk for a free person and a copper for an animal or slave. (Captive of Gor, #7 p.80)

Musicians:  A group of musicians each earned a silver tarks for their performance. (Raiders of Gor, p.117)

Repair:  It cost a tarsk bit to repair a door (Beasts of Gor, p.136)

Bride price:  A girls' bride price will vary with her family's wealth, their Caste and position. The cost might be in gold, tarns or other valuable items. The daughter of an Administrator might get 100 tarns while the daughter of a Ubar would get 1000. (Tarnsman of Gor, p.71)

Clothing:  Like most things, the price will vary dependent on the quality of the item.  Rep-cloth is a very cheap fabric, popular with the Low Castes. (Raiders of Gor, p.11)  Silks and fine wools would be much more costly materials.

Energy bulb:  These are similar to the light bulbs of Earth but better.  They will last for years but they are expensive items so few Goreans can afford them. (Nomads of Gor, p.203-4)

Insula:  To rent a room in these tenements commonly costs one tarsk bit a night (Mercenaries of Gor, p.274)

Advertising:  In Tor, young boys were paid a copper tarsk for every customer they could convince to come to a cafe. (Tribseman of Gor, p.45)

Gems:  A variety of gems exist on Gor including sereem diamonds (red, sparkling and white flecked), opals (including common opals and flame opals), amethysts, sapphires and rubies. Sereem diamons appear to be unique to Gor.  Opals are rare on Gor than they are on Earth but still are not as valuable as diamonds.  No price comparisons are given for these gems.  The only matter even close is when Tarl was in the Tahari trading some gems for pressed date bricks.

     Items Without Prices:  Here are a few common items that have little, if any, price information in the books.  At best, we can only try to estimate the potential costs of these items.

Arms and Armor: Despite the prevalance of weapons, shields and helmets in the books, there are no prices for them. Basic items likely cost a few copper tarsks or so, an amount that would be within the reach of the average warrior. A fancier or better made item would obviosuly cost more maybe up to a few silver.

Ships: These are large items that would be quite valuable. They would obviously cost gold tarns but exactly how many is questionable. Most ships would probably sell for a few hundred gold tarns, depending on the size, quality and type of ship.

Houses: House prices again would vary considerably depending upon if it was a small shack or a tall, fortified cylinder. It would vary from a couple coppers to hundreds of gold tarns.





1 Tarsk bit = $2.50 USD = 3 Eur
1 copper Tarsk = 8 Tarsk Bits = $20 USD = 15 Eur
1 Silver Tarsk = 100 Copper Tarsks = $2000 USD = 1600 Eur
1 gold Tarn = 10 Silver Tarsks = $20000 USD = 16000 Eur
1 double gold Tarn = 2 gold Tarns = $ 40000 USD = 32000 Eur


I wish you all Well and please Keep it realistic for without Realism there is no point being in Gor!



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22 juillet 2010 4 22 /07 /juillet /2010 14:42

[2:05]  Darkangel stopped by his shop as he noticed the form of a Woman in gown and covered with her full dress "Tal Free Woman, how may i help you? i am the one you are looking for, Dark, Perfumer of Tyros"
[2:08]  kaela  shifted awkwardly where she stood, hoping the dress covered her bare feet properly, though she was certain it did. Kaela cleared her throat, brushing the hem of her skirt as she spoke, her words were some what rough around the edges, "Tal Sir, i have travelled from other lands to seek out perfumes that you make. I am told you make the finest in all of Gor so I had to come and see. I am looking for something rare... very rare in fact."
[2:13]  Darkangel took his time to observe her in details as she was speaking, not recognizing her at all for being a citizen of Tyros, or maybe he had been too much busy working in his shop to see the new citizens that had pledged home stone in Tyros. The fabric of he gown was looking of fine quality, but not as one a high Caste Lady would wear, so Dark believed she might be of lower Caste, maybe a baker or some potter. Dark turned his gaze on her hands to observe them with attention, knowing that time of hard work would ever been revealed in the hands of a worker. Listening to her request, Dark smiled about the words of his work that had been spread around Gor and nodded slight while glancing straight in her eyes , observing their colors, a light blue, like the morning Sky of a beautiful Gorean day. "I am for sure a hard worker and passionate in what i am doing Lady, you are looking for something very rare, might i know what is it? or would you like me to make you a unique perfume that in itself would be very rare?"
[2:18]  kaela watched the man intently as he spoke, trying not to allow the nerves that were bubbling within to rise to the surface and reflect through her body language and words. Her breathing was calm and steady as she smiled warmly, her attention shifting to the mans store and the decorative bottles that were on display. Lifting a hand now to sweep chocolate locks from her eyes, "well.. i have been told there is one that you make, that can't be bought with wine, or treasures, or.. well.. in ways which are not becomming of a lady in which to speak.. but.. do you know which i speak of Sir?"
[2:22]  Darkangel kept watching in details the Lady with his experimented eyes, Dark had lived a lots of adventures and traveled around all Gor, stopping for times in different regions from the southern isles to the northern and harsh isle of Torvaldsland. Her clothes was remembering those of the Torvaldsland Women, the fabric was of Verr Wool like those he had seen the seamstress of Skjern working, she might been of some northern part of Gor, and from what she had told him about a long travel, Dark was starting to locate slowly the origin of that Free woman standing in front him. The veil that was covering her face was of finest quality, and a smile formed on his lips as he could imagine the Northern woman was not really used to wear one, and might maybe feel uncomfortable with it. Dark nodded slightly once she finished to speak and then extended his right forearm motioning the shop entry, "please follow me, we will discuss better in the Shop" *walking to his gate he offered a smile to the Lady, his face was showing age and experience, scars from the past that had marked slightly his face like to recall him of his past and to always stay cautious. Walking to the gate of his shop, Dark reached for a unique key made by the metal worker at his demand after his shop had been plundered, and slide it in the lock, unlocking his gate and pulling it wide open to allow the passage.
[2:28]  kaela found the man to be non-threatening for some one who resided in the city. His body language seemed to be relaxed and though she felt his gaze lingered a little longer than she would have liked, she could tell it was more of a look of curiousity rather than a leery unsettling stare. Kaela nodded as she offered a small smile and followed him inside. It was true, the veil did itch her face, and the dress she also felt awkward in, her clothing usually consisted of a small scrap of animal skin, and mud.. lots of mud. So this, was all very strange to her.. but she had a task to complete and she would do her best to be a fine free woman. Her gaze shifted to the various bottles throughout the shop as she nodded to him.. "well.. you seem to have a nice selection of things in here."
[2:28]  Darkangel: A detail called his attention as he observed the woman walking in his shop, one that he had not noticed before as she was standing immobile and her long gown was hiding bare feet naked....Dark did not showed any sign of surprise on his face and remain quiet as he pushed the heavy gate and locked it behind after she passed. Dark turned to motion a wooden chair that was placed next to the counter, and with a friendly smile masking his cautiousness now about the Lady , spoked "Would you please have a sit, you would feel more comfortable." *Dark was now remembering the words that the litigator had just told him before he came to his shop to meet the Lady, then turned his gaze , listening at some arrows
[2:31]  kaela nodded, kaela had no idea she had roused the mans suspicions and she happily moved to the wooden chair by the counter. Still she was curious what the man would have that was so rare, kaela really was not one to be so caught up with perfumes.. the scents reminded her of slave girls in pampered gardens. She scrunched her nose, she too, disguising her thoughts, "thank you Sir.. so hrm.. do you know of the perfume which i speak of? The very rare one?"
[2:32]  kaela sat trying to tuck her feet under the chair so that her skirt would still mostly cover them..
[2:41]  Darkangel had followed her fully with his expert gaze as she had turned to walk to the chair, and was smiling still as he observed her sitting, and attempting to tuck her feet under the chair for her gown to cover them, but Dark did not showed any visible signs of suspicion, and instead replied quite instantly to her question while his mind was clearly thinking that even a low caste Free Woman would never ever dare to walk outside without sandals...."Every Perfume is unique, Lady, it is the reflect of the soul, and to know which one could reflect your to the perfection, i would need to know more of you. Would you mind telling me more of your Life, where you born, of which Caste, your home stone, such things that could help me in building up the fragrances for you." *His mind was now one of a skilled predator, one that was not to be surprised anymore, he had lived too much experiences and could smell things as almost a natural gift from all the pain and tortures that had left him of a cautious nature in any circumstances, and to never trust anyone. Dark was smiling friendly to the woman that now was the center of his experimented hunter attention*
[2:48]  kaela sat there calmly, drawing in a deep breath of the aroma's as she peeked outside the heavy gate, the city was still fairly quiet for this time of the day, though kaela suspected that most were possibly still sleeping. Completely unaware that the man was now suspicious of her kaela wriggled on the chair, his question didn't really throw her, for one of two reasons.. firstly, she didn't think in her mind that a man who made perfumes would be especially scary since he would be used to female clients, and secondly, kaela was not the brightest girl in Gor. She was quite daft at times in fact. His questions did cause her to stumble though, biting at her lower lip she looked to the roof as she considered how to answer that. Finally, she just spat out some babble, "ummm.... I was born in Tarnburg, my father was..." she paused thinking for a moment, she had to appear as if she was at least a woman that could afford fine perfumes so she continued to bluff.. "oh he was a red caste.. yes yes.. and hrm.. I reside in Tarnburg,, is that all you wish to know?"
[3:03]  Darkangel eyes were locked on her observing each singles expressions of her face, mimics, eyes movements, body movement and hands movements....each of his mind was now concentrated on her like a Larl would quietly observe his prey and remain in the shadow observing the moment he would jump and catch it. Dark was still offering the Lady a friendly smile that turned into a warmer one as he listened the way she was answering, unsure and uncomfortable....but did not let anything shows that he was now sure that she was not what she claimed to be, a Lady of a city. His though were continuing to work actively in his mind, as he recalled all the informations he had collected observing her....Gown and clothes from the northern regions, bare feet, visible sign of insecurity in her expression of her life....Would she be a slave girl, coming to visit him under stoled Free women clothes.....? no.....a slave would not try this especially for a perfume....she would be too aware of the danger of such foolish act and would prize her recovered freedom with much more attention. Once again Dark recalled what the litigator had told him just before he came to the shop to meet that woman, that a slave had heard about panthers speaking of capturing Dark to be used for their twisted females ceremonial of the Moon Dance.....his smile couldn't be more wide as his though was now almost sure of who that woman might be, a panther, from the north, maybe living in the Northern woods, as most were hiding in these deep and unfriendly forests....But Dark did not let out any signs of his though and simply replied in a friendly and soft tone, like a Larl wearing a verr skin.....:"If you could tell me about your teen time, and maybe a little of you daily life, so i could visualize how this Lady is living and build a recipe for her unique and own perfume fragrances, please..."
[3:11]  kaela blew out a soft breath, it was not quite a sigh, but almost. More questions. It was difficult for Kaela, because she wasn't always so good at thinking on her feet, not in situations like this, but the man seemed to be quite relaxed, he was smiling wasn't he? She would have to think of something.. anything.. in truth she had spent her teen years being groomed and conditions, trained in the manner of slavery. At the age of 17 she had been sold to a city slaver and eventually one of the higher castes in the city. She still had the mark, that horrible mark on her thigh that had sealed her fate all those years ago, the dina. She cleared her throat and pretended to cough a little as she hastily tried to think of what a woman would have done as a teenager if they were in the city. Kaela wasn't even certain, she had grown up in a small peasant village as a slave, was sold to a slaver, and then sold to a man who had kept her chained within his walls.. she had no real concept of what a woman would have been doing at those ages if they were free so she just said what she thought was the most boring and typical thing a woman in a stuffy city would do.. she smiled, "i drank a lot of tea.. tea is good." Her answer was not the best but it was all she could think of under the circumstances.. she then moved on to state what she did now.. "oh just the usual.. drinking tea, eating fancy cakes, and shopping.. i like to shop.. which is why I am after a lovely new perfume. A nice rare one."
[3:18]  Darkangel was now sure of her identity, and known that she might not be cautious enough of him, she was a panther, maybe too sure of herself, for they were proud and fierce, but these could be as well their weakness, as now Dark was a Perfumer, yes.....A Perfumer...who had been Pirate, outlaw and lone feared hunter in the past....He had took a retreat in the Torvaldsland where he had gave time to all to forgot him and only the oldest elders of these Panthers tribes he had hunted all around gor, could ever remember of his face if they had to face him again....but who would think about Dark after all these long hands he remain in the shadow , quiet and working his skills in different lives.......Dark was listening to her answers, and silently was chuckling of them, knowing perfectly that she would only answer typical things a panther girl would think about Free Women of the cities, she was maybe disgusted by these though and it was making Dark keep his warm smile on his lips as he was listening her speaking of the Free women of Gor in such caricatural way..... Dark nodded few times slightly, to give her the impression that he was listening to her and acknowledging her story but his mind now was clear and he would take care of her. "Yes Lady, and you just found the best perfumer of All Gor, i will take care to build your Perfume, and i do have some samples i would like you smell for it will give me a first view of your tastes."
[3:21]  kaela had no reason to be wary of the man, and as far as Kaela knew she had answered his questions well. She smiled cheerfully, happy that the interrogation was over as she glanced around, "that would be lovely.. but I don't want something generic, it has to be a rare one.. i need to stress that point." She brushed the hem of her skirt as she stiffened her back, kaela was more confident now and far more relaxed. Soon, she would have the fragrance she needed, and she would be on her way home. She would have passed her quest finally.
[3:27]  Darkangel nodded to her requests and still was wearing his warm smile over his lips, a smile like none could take as worrying one, but more as a comforting one, one none could ever feel uncomfortable with. "Good, i will then come with some samples, i will select with minutia for you Lady, please give me a few ehn, i will go get them in my storage room" *as Darl Walked calmly to the heavy and large wooden door blocking the entrance to his storage room....removing in the same time his bow from his back and sword like if he would disarm himself.....releasing a comment : "i feel much safer in my shop, i will get rid of my useless weapons, and concentrate on what is really my work..."
[3:30]  Darkangel reached for his keys ring at his left belt side and searching through the key, selected the right key, and lifted it in the lock, unlocking the heavy wood door to access his storage room, closing the door behind him.
[3:31]  kaela's gaze followed the man, finding him quite friendly which was refreshing. Why were most other men she had encountered been so different? None the less this was good news and kaela was feeling quite cheerful now. She hummed softly to herself, a hand lifting to brush through her hair lazily. With a slight nod of the head she responded, "yes, that is understandable.. it must get heavy carrying such items all the time." Kaela couldn't help but chuckle a little to herself, quite enjoying making herself sound like the weak Free Woman, "i find it hard just carrying this small dagger at the end of my necklace.. but you never know what sort of filth will interupt your morning cup of tea.. it is always good to be prepared.."
[3:33]  Darkangel walked to the room and 1st left his weapons on a Crate, before to turn and pick the tray he was using to present his perfume vials, before to walk to some crates and removing the top of few he had selected with care, pick few vials from the different crates and placed them on the tray, before to turn and walk back to his door, opening it and walking back in the shop, with his tray holding few vials on it.
[3:35]  kaela smiled to him as he returned, reaching for her veil as she spoke, "should i remove this veil so that I may sample your fragrances properly?" Her gaze flickering over the selection of bottles that lay out on the tray..
[3:39]  Darkangel walk past her, and leaned forward his counter, placing the tray next to her so she could look at the finely and elegantly worked vials, These were made by the Tyrosian potters well know and famous all around got for their ceramic work...Dark had not lost her comment about "small dagger at the end of necklace" and was smiling that she could have fall into such comfort comment. Listening to her request Dark nodded slightly and replied "i would not ask you for his myself, Lady, but if you like to remove it, be sure that it would not in Tyros be offensive, we do have a very tolerant law about the Veils... We will try each scents and i would like you tell me which ones you like the most, that we try a single drop on your skin, Lady. It is one thing to smell the scent and to wear it, the body change the scents of a fragrance and it is always necessary to make a test."
[3:43]  kaela nodded as she spun around on the stool. Kaela was more than happy to remove the veil. She felt it made it difficult to breathe and in truth she did feel sorry for the Free Women who had to wear them often, wondering how they managed to eat and drink all that tea with the horrid things. She smiled as she reached up and gently pulled the veil from her face, tucking it into her pocket. She now leaned over to examine the different bottles, "hrm, which one would you recommend I try first?"
[3:46]  Darkangel smiled as he prepared the bottles and noticed her movement of removing her veil, yet he could not see her face as he was standing on her back and answered simply "try the light blue vial, Lady, this is a rare scent of the Tahari desert"
[3:48]  kaela was standing now, moving to her feet as she picked up the bottle. She held it up into the light as she examined it, "did you have these bottles made here in Tyros? They are really quite lovely." Kaela offered him a smile before uncapping the lid and drawing in the aroma, "what fragrance blend is this?"
[3:51]  Darkangel turned his gaze over her as she stood and faced him, her face now could be seen and he took few ihns observing her face in details, she was a beautiful woman and the fact that he was aware she would be a panther, made him smiles brightly , "a wild beauty", he though quietly to himself before to reply to her question..."This is a sample of essential oil of Taharian Verminium, a purplish flower growing in the edge of the Tahari desert
[3:54]  kaela nodded slowly as she drew in another breath of the aroma, allowing it to flood her senses as she sighed, "i quite like that one." She set it down to the side, the perfume oil was meant to be for Ally, but kaela didn't care, she was starting to enjoy these for herself.. maybe the En wouldn't even notice if she pinched a little out of the bottle first.. even though kaela was not usually the perfume type. She now reached for the pinkish bottle, uncapping that as she drew in a deep breath, "and this one?"
[3:58]  Darkangel smiled as she appreciated the scent of the farest Verminium of the Tahari and replied to her question "The one you are smelling in is made of Flaminium flowers, they are flourishing in a fair number around Tyros"
[3:59]  kaela nodded as she drew in another breath. Kaela wasn't so sure about this one. A frown creased her brow, "hrm.. i think i prefer the first.." She then picked up the darker blue bottle and drew in it's scent, "and this one?"
[4:02]  Darkangel observed her with calm and patience, he knew he would present her a scent she would not expect, one such concentrate that it would have almost instantaneous effect....As she picked the next vial, Dark smiled, this was the vial of Thentis Verminium....."This is another rare flower flourishing only on the hills around Thentis, as rare and exclusive as Black wine beans are Lady"
[4:05]  kaela liked the way the man emphasised the whole rare aspect of this particular fragrance and smiled, "oh yes this one is a definite winner so far, i shall keep this one aside too.." Kaela now glanced at the remaining bottles, "which one would you recommend next? I think so far the Thentis one is my favourite..
[4:08]  Darkangel smiled and then took a face of deep pondering.....if you like the Thentis Verminium, i do have a fragrance you will fall in love for! you may scent the two last vials while i go pick it up in my storage room, Lady.
[4:09]  kaela nodded and smiled warmly to him. She picked up the remaining viles and sampled their scents, their aroma's were pleasant, but her favourite was definitely the Thentis Verminium. Though, kaela was eager to see what this other one may be, she called out to him, "is this one rare also?"
[4:16]  Darkangel opened the heavy wooden door and listening to her call replied in a light yell, "extremely rare, it cost me a fortune to have it, one that is light scented and need to be breathing in deeply to completely appreciate the scent, Lady!! it is very volatile but extremely sublte, a fragrance for an Ubara!!" *as Dark reached for the very special vial, one that was on itself calling attention..... The capture scent oil that was filling it was extremely concentrate and not even a Gorean men would stand a deep breath in of the scent once released in nose. Dark picked the vial and slowly walked out of his storage room before to present the mysterious shaped vial on the tray. Dark offered a smiles and knew that as soon she would open it under her nose, she would be almost instantly falling under its effects, and that himself would have to hold is breath at the right moment she would remove the cork that were sealing perfectly the vial to not let any scent escape of it. He would have to catch the vial quickly before she fall, and recork it, and Dark was preparing for this not letting anything appear strange, but instead was walking back with a warm smile as usual
[4:20]  Darkangel was aware that men would not use Capture scent often, but in that particular case, why would he hurt her when he could simply and softly capture her without hurts....Dark was keeping ready to act as soon she would have inhaled deeply the scent...and he commented "This is very rare, and provide a subtle fragrance, you should take in a good inhalation, Lady before to recork it"
[4:22]  kaela thought he was taking a while, but she didn't think anything untoward was about to happen. Kaela already convinced that she had spun a good story, and that he was none the wiser, was feeling probably a little over confident in fact. Though, she still had no idea how she was supposed to pay the man. Her eyes focussed on the bottle as he returned, a sly smile formed the corners of her mouth as she took it from the tray, holding it carefully and gently, as if she were holding precious gold.. "fit for an ubara you say?" Kaela grinned, uncorking just before she lifted it to her nose, drawing in a deep breath, immediately her eyes rolled to the back of her head and her body went limp, she fell forward then in that moment, she did not even have time to react, the capture scent was potent.
[4:26]  Darkangel as he was following each of her movement with his brown green eyes, and waiting for her to fall, took a silent and deep breath, holding his breath and quickly catching the vial as he noticed the instantaneous effect from the deep breath she took, picking the cork from her fingers as she was falling to the ground and quickly recorked the vial, to dissipate the capture scent that was released by the vial. Dark quickly ran to his storage and picked a piece of rep , wrapping it around his face and covering his nose with it, before to run back to her and grab his right boot dagger and his rope.
[4:28]  kaela lay on the ground in a heap, a heavy slumber. Kaela was a small woman, and the effects of drawing in such a deep breath of the capture scent had taken a strong effect with her and she was off in la la land.. completely unaware of her surroundings.
[4:28]  Darkangel crouched over her and sliced the rope in 3 shorter lengths, slowly pulling her body and rolling her on belly, as he pulled her arms on her back and crossing her wrists together, took the 1st rope length and looper it several times tightly around her wrists, making it tight and secured his bind with a tight capture knot.
[4:30]  Darkangel reached for the second rope length and crouched over her legs, placing her ankles parallels and looped the 2nd rope length around them tightly, making a tight capture knot to secure his bind.
[4:32]  Darkangel finally while she was unconscious methodically started to undress her, taking care to not ruin the fabric of the clothes she had maybe stolen and that was of good wool quality and design. Paying attention to remove it carefully for he would not be the on to be surprised to find needles hidden in her clothes
[4:33]  kaela lay there silently, she made no noise while unconcious. Kaela was a dead weight, well and truly out of it. The man had taken her completely by surprise and she was at his mercy now.
[4:35]  Darkangel unfastened with attention and minutia her corset, removing the laces carefully before to release her body from the corset, and took methodically each of her clothes off, slicing through the fabric if necessary , nothing a seamstress could repair easily....
[4:37]  kaela: On her body, she had no concealed weapons, apart from the dagger necklace that she wore around her neck. The noticeable markings on her body if he looked would be the various bruises on her arms and two bruise lines across her breast from where she had been belted sharply by the flat side of a sword. Her thigh had the markings of a dina flower.
[4:37]  Darkangel turned his attention on her hairs and smiled , giving it a soft caress as he was observing her body with attention, and then slowly and very carefully started to check her hairs trying to find any presence of suspect needles or tools in it, removing them carefully if he ever had to find any hidden in her long auburn hairs
[4:39]  kaela: As the man examined through her hair, several pins fell to the wooden floor. There was nothing sinister about them, well, they were not poisoned at least. They were however, used as lock picks in case she was ever captured by careless Captor's, or, in times when she needed to break into something and steal supplies.
[4:40]  Darkangel finally after checking her hairs fully, and being satisfied of his search, remembered the confidence she had about her necklace with the dagger, and lifted her hairs to remove the necklace and place it on the tray with the perfume vials, before to crouch again and roll her body, observing each details of it before his eyes stop on her brand, a light chuckles released as he could imagine that now he had a run away slave that goes to the wild for how many time..... this he did not know and would soon ask her
[4:44]  Darkangel crouched one last time and slowly unfasten the hair band, removing it and letting her hairs goes free, before to catch her by her arms and pull her slowly to his storage room, where he had a Fur soft and warm waiting for her
[4:46]  Darkangel released her arms and left her on the large and soft rug, walking back to his shop to collect the clothes and tray with the vials, that he could now order properly back in his storage room
[4:47]  Darkangel picked the few pins that had fallen from her hairs to place them carefully on the tray and walked back to his storage room
[4:51]  Darkangel methodically placed and ordered everything he took out , back in its right place, before to open an empty crate and add the clothes and personal effect of the Panther, placing the top on the crate once done and turning to look at the panther that he know would sooner wake up from the capture scent dissipating effects, and would not be of a good mood for sure.....But Dark was used and it was for him just another panther that had fallen in his claws of old experienced hunter.
[4:52]  kaela began to stir a little bit. Kaela was still pretty much out of it but where she lay on the furs she began to groan a little. Moaning in her sleep as she stirred, her limbs starting to flex. She was groggy, her eyes were heavy as she opened them. Blinking in a bit of a daze as she struggled to understand what was happening in her surroundings. Was she bound? no? yes? wait.. was she naked? What had happened..
[4:57]  Darkangel was observing her with attention, in silence, knowing perfectly that she would recover her mind faster enough and realize her captured situation. a soft smile was still showing on his lips as he was enjoying the view of her body that she had hidden under her stoled clothes.....Now one question was working on Dark's mind, why that panther was coming for him.....Was she of the ones he got informed would attempt to capture him for their moondance.....Dark had heard a lots of things about that dance, but the one that he had kept in mind from all the others, was that generally the captured man was not left alive after they took their twisted pleasure on him....Nothing that Dark liked at all!
[5:02]  kaela tried to move now. Her limbs started to twitch as she went to reach for her head. She blinked, panicked realizing that her hands were actually bound behind her back. Kaela opened her eyes once more, her mouth was dry as she looked up, now seeing the man that had been so nice to her standing in front of her, staring down at her. It was then that she realized the gravity of her situation. She was bound, and naked. Her head turned as she tried to gather her bearings, her stomach churning as the fear within her began to rise, no, not again... speaking slightly slurred, the evidence of her still coming out from the effects of the capture scent as she looked to him, "what is the meaning of this> i am a free lady from Tarnburg, this is not acceptable."
[5:07]  Darkangel smiled as her mind came back and realized her situation , letting her speaking and claiming to be what he know she was not, his instinct was telling him, and the evidence of her lack of clothes under her gown and no sandals could only confirm his though.....but he let her express and simply replied "hmmm Tarnburg, i heard it is a lovely city, tell me about it"
[5:10]  kaela felt her nose scrunch a bit, blinking still as she drew in a deep breath. Her head turned as she looked away once more, "it is a pretty place, lots of city stuff much like here.. lots of tea.. and.. i suppose Tarns?" Kaela had no clue really, she knew little of the place, she had never been there and in fact, the only reason it had popped up in her mind was because she had heard some one speak of it several days ago. She smiled weakly to him and hoped he didn't know much about the place himself.. "lots of slaves, brave warriors, and of course fine Free Ladies."
[5:15]  Darkangel smiled as he was listening her, knowing she was just giving a lie and then replied simply "It is well know that a slave do not have to lie to a Master, The absolute truth must be spoken to a Gorean master. I believe you did forget your paces....and you might shortly been instructed them once again."
[5:21]  kaela licked at her lips, unable to hold back the yawn as she lay there. She was waking up, and she was alert, but her body had not quite caught up yet. Though, his words caused her to snap to attention, "i am not a slave! I am Lady Kaela and I am horrified that you were so nice one moment and now have me bound here.. wait? where is here?"
[5:25]  Darkangel was observing her with attention as she answered by a typical answer and questions, he was not to answer her and nor she was in position to question him. Dark in a light movement of his left hand, reached for something under his kilt, and removed a long and thine metal bar attached to his thigh before to comment "It is not your place to question, it is mine, and i shall recall you your right place slave , as he turned the slave goad on, the lightning that was coming out of the tip could be heard with a specific sound, one that any slave girl would recognize immediately.
[5:31]  kaela was a little unnerved by the mans silence. She was now quite alert, the effects of the capture scent seeming to have warn off. She watched him in that moment, observing his movements, then as the metal bar was presented before her, her body tensed. Kaela went into panic mode. She shouldn't have come out on her own, she really shouldn't have. After her talk with Ally earlier in the day she thought she was alright after the horrible events of days earlier, events that had opened old wounds from her past.. and yet, her she was again, it was a different place, and a different man, but his intent was the same, so it was all the same to her.. he saw her as a slave and immediately her mind clouded over as she broke down hearing the goad. She began to sob, "please, please i beg you not to hurt me please... have mercy!" Her behavior might have seemed odd, though if he was not aware she was in fact a panther girl he would probably not be surprised.. but she was, but a slightly mixed up one.. she was sobbing now, pathetically before him.
[5:42]  Darkangel noticed her quite instantaneous reaction as the goad released his well specific sound and lightnings, which confirmed him she had a past of slave girl, not to mention the evidence of the dina brand on her left upper thigh that was in itself revealing and flagrant of her status....She was wearing the mark and as such was not anymore a Free, but a slave whoever she want it or not......He sobbing was one of a slave, and not of a panther and Dark was considering that she had not lived long time in the wild. "Good, then you will answer my questions, and listen carefully, for i will not repeat, girl!" *Dark was holding the slave goad in his right hand now and time to time was moving it slightly in her direction, pointing at her body, like if aiming for a spot to press the hint, and then spoked "You are a slave girl that run to the wild, of the northern forests, you will tell me why you came to me, maybe you have been bad to one of your sister and she sent you to me, knowing you would not return for i am not one to blind with a gown! Speak! who sent you and for which reason!" *his tone was wary now and his eyes narrowed as he observed her with piercing gaze*
[5:47]  kaela had started to tremble as she lay on the ground before him, her gaze was fixated on the tip of the goad and her mind was clouded with fear, it was hard for her to even concentrate on his words, let along answer him intelligently. Kaela bit down at her lip and tried to breathe calmly, her head shook, "please.. I just came for perfume that is all.. i swear it.. just some perfume.. I didn't want to cause any harm! That is the truth!"
[5:51]  Darkangel laughed at her words of causing harms and shakes his head before to lean forward slightly and approach the goad from her feet, commenting "it will be painful, but you must remember this girl, or maybe you do not and i have to remind you the feeling..... You are wanting to make me believe a panther would come to my shop for a perfume?" *chuckled and laughed loudly before to ask in a sudden cold tone* "Who told you of me, and what is your true reason to be here! you maybe though you could trick me, girl!?"
[5:54]  kaela shook her head wildly, her breathing was rapid and her heart felt as if it were pounding now through her chest. She was certain he would be able to hear the loud thudding of it's rapid beat. She cried out in terror as he moved closer to her, the goad moving to her feet slightly as she pleaded with him.. "please have mercy i speak the truth! I was told to seek out the finest rare perfume from you! That's all.. there was nothing sinister about it i swear it! Please! Don't hurt me!"
[5:55]  Darkangel did not let her time to breath and raised his tone "WHO TOLD YOU THIS!!"
[5:57]  kaela sucked in her breath as she trembled, "Nishi! Nishi did! I.. I am from the Verus Var! I am a pledge... please please don't hurt me! I just came to get some perfume for the En"
[6:00]  Darkangel stopped suddenly as he listen her answer, a visible surprise on his face as he heard the tribe's name.....and as he leaned back slowly, holding his gaze locked on her, turned the goad off before to place it back to its sheath under his kilt by his left thigh. "The Verus Var, you say, of Jorts Ferry....interesting...Do you know who i am, did your En even told you who you was going to meet?"
[6:02]  kaela breathed a sigh of relief as the man lowered the goad. Hopeful that he would not lash out at her with any other slave training implements. Through tear strained eyes she looked at him, her head shook softly, "no, i was just told to find a man named Dark who made perfumes and to bring her a bottle. She said that i wont pay with coins, or with my body, or with wine.. that is all she said."
[6:09]  Darkangel was holding silence, recalling his past in Jorts and the events that happened and led him to the city of dust gates, where it happen that he would not been allowed to pass through them and used instead for unknown reason to be held in the most unexpected healer cave of the Verus Var, where after long days, he was healed and cared by Jara and Healer and protected by the panthers of that Verus Var Tribe.....He owed this tribe for sure his life and was not man to forgot, nor that it was ever pleasing him to owe such thing to females......Observing her with his brown green eyes, Dark reached for his dagger hidden under his kilt and attached to his right thigh.... A perfumer more armed then most of the Warriors of gor, but Dark had learnt with time and pains that Gor was not for the unprepared men.....Crouching over her, Dark reached with his left hand for the rope holding her ankles tied and sliced through the rope fibers, carefully, to freed her from the bind, without giving a comment and holding silence
[6:13]  kaela watched the man, her breathing shallow not really sure of what the man was thinking. Was he angry? Or was he going to let her go? Kaela had no idea.. maybe she had said something bad and he was getting ready to kill her? Surely not? As she continued to watch him she saw him reach for a dagger, convinced he was about to end her life she began to scream, "don't hurt me! please no! I will do anything!!" Kaela was shaking, the color drained from her face when he silently crouched down and removed her ankle bindings. She was confused, but still unsettled, but, at the very least, happy to be alive.
[6:18]  Darkangel listened to her fearful scram as he crouched with his dagger, "silence! girl" *as he removed the bind of her ankles and then approached her to this time pull her body and allow her to sit, giving him access to her wrists, and shortly sliced through the bind, removing the bindings before to stand and walk to the crate where he left her personal clothes and properties. Patsing the top of the crate, Dark commented "your stoled clothes are inside that crate, you will wear them back and get ready to leave, i will prepare the vial of Thentis Verminium perfume, that you will give to your En, with a message...."
[6:20]  kaela looked to the man confused, yet relieved. Today would not be the day that she would totally lose her mind. Though she had felt like it. Kaela rose to her feet, the fibers now loosened. Kaela remained quiet, just nodding her head slowly at him as she quickly dressed herself. She couldn't believe her luck and she knew that once she got home she would never leave the camp again. Kaela blew out a soft breath.. After dressing herself she looked over to him.. "a message?"
[6:27]  Darkangel picked a small vial, from a crate of his stocks, and wrapped it inside a light rep cloth, before to turn and look straight in her eyes and speak "You will let her know that it should not be wise to send more of her girls to a city where men will collar them, especially unexperienced girls with bare naked feet" *Dark was holding his gaze on her, she was for him nothing but a slave girl he was releasing, nothing he liked to do, wasting a slave to the wild.....but he had his reasons, and had honored his due to this tribe, in some sort....* "Tell her that you been lucky this time, and that you found Dark, and he wish her and her Tribe his greetings" *as he handed her the small rep cloth containing the precious vial of Verminium perfume from Thentis flowers
[6:29]  Darkangel walked in the storage room and picked his weapons, reequipping them quickly before to turn and walk to the wooden door, opening it and allowing her passage
[6:30]  kaela took the vile and smiled. She didn't much like his words, she could tell that he saw her as a slave, but kaela was definitely not going to protest, she knew she was already on thin ice. Kaela quickly followed, "yes Sir, i will let her know."
[6:32]  Darkangel walked quietly to his gate and using the right key, unlocked it, knowing inside that the girl was surely breathing air and freedom recovered as her first time she made it out. Dark pulled the gate wide open and motioned her to follow him in a light hand movement
[6:34]  Darkangel reach for the city gate and unlocked them observing the gates raising to allow passage and then turned to watch her, "You are lucky, i do hope you realize today your luck, for this is not something i will allow to all."
[6:34]  kaela followed to the gate, offering a subtle smile. Kaela was shaken, but thankful. She knew that soon she would be on her way back home to her home land..
[6:35]  Darkangel: i wish you well, kaela
[6:35]  kaela turned and smiled, "i wish you well Sir.."
[6:35]  Darkangel observed her while she was stepping out of the city and recovering her freedom exceptionally

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12 juin 2010 6 12 /06 /juin /2010 09:59

In answering this first prong, we must understand that we are discussing Gorean women and not Earth women. Do not judge Gor by the examples of female athletes on Earth. Such women do not exist on Gor. Gorean culture is vastly different and has led to a different development for women. Even those Earth women brought to Gor are not Olympic athletes, bodybuilders or such. They are usually academics or business women. On Gor, women lack the strength to use some weapons of the Warriors. "The strength of a full-grown woman is equivalent to a twelve-year old boy." (Tribesman of Gor, p.223) Women do not possess the strength to wield longbows or Alar axes. There is a Peasant saying that "He who can bend the longbow cannot be slave." As all women are unable to bend it, they may become slaves.

The books give examples showing the inferiority of the strength of women. Even the strongest of Gorean women is seen to be the inferior of the average Gorean man. In Tribesman of Gor, there is a masculine female slave who terrorized the rest of the kajirae. Yet, she was beaten by an ordinary male slave, not even a fighting slave. Mercenaries of Gor explains about a strong woman who no other woman could take a piece of bread from. It was stated that any man could have easily taken the bread from her.

"She was a large girl, and formidable to us, but, compared to the men, she was only another female, no different from us. Compared to them, her size and strength, really only that of a woman, was, like ours, when all was said and done, simply negligible. Compared to them she was, like us simply small and weak. Before them, and to them, she could never be any more than we, only another female, small, lovely and helpless, a mere female, totally at their mercy." (Dancer of Gor, p.107)

These statements apply to all men and not just warriors. The average Gorean man, of any caste, is stronger than any Gorean woman. "It is nothing for a man to overpower a female." (Tribesman of Gor, p.143).

Many free women carry daggers or poisoned needles, small weapons, which are manageable by them. They rarely carry any larger weapons. But, a woman must rely upon surprise to be effective with these small weapons. Otherwise, she is still defenseless with such weapons as any Warrior or trained Slaver would be able to easily disarm her. It is even seen by some Warriors as a pretension for a woman to carry such a weapon. Some warriors get very offended if a woman dares to raise any weapon against them. Some freewomen in Ar once wielded axes and clubs to attack a paga tavern. They were quickly disarmed by a group of men.

There are some examples of women in the novels who act as warriors, wielding weapons, but who do not belong to the Red Caste. Panther girls and talunas are the two main examples of this and these examples point out some interesting points concerning our questions.

Taluna is not a synonym for panther girl. They are two distinct peoples though they share some similarities. A panther girl is a woman who lives in the northern forests of Gor. They are escaped slaves and free women who live by hunting and trading. They hate men and enslave those they capture. They hunt the panthers that roam the forests. They wield spears, bows and knives and can actually be excellent archers. Yet, panther girls do not wield swords. Talunas are white girls who live in the jungles near Schendi. Taluna is an inland dialect word for these girls. It is not a Gorean word. They too use spears, bows and knives but do not wield swords.

Panther girls and talunas do not visit the cities of Gor. They primarily remain in their forests or jungles. If they entered a city, they would most likely be enslaved very quickly. This is because both groups are considered outlaws and outlaws are forbidden entrance to almost all cities. Impalement is a common punishment for outlaws though female outlaws are more often subject to enslavement. Panther girls might possibily be seen at the Sardar fairs where a truce exists and they can safely walk around. It would be a lengthy trek for talunas to attend the Sardar fairs so it is extremely unlikely they would ever attend one.

The Panther Girls of the northern forests and the talunas of the rainforest are female warriors who live in isolated areas of Gor. Yet, none of these women wield swords. They primarily use spears and bows. They have apparently learned these skills on their own and were never trained by men to use such weapons.

 Unfortunately, the books do not say anything about the training of such women. In other isolated and barbaric areas, the women do not engage in combat. The women of the Wagon Peoples, the Red Savages, Torvaldslanders and the Red Hunters do not engage in combat or hunting. So why did the Panther Girls and Talunas develop such skills?

First, these societies are female only groups. The only males that exist within these communities are slaves. Thus, the women must generally rely on themselves to hunt, fish and defend their bands. Second, these women live in wilderness areas, facing natural dangers on their own. It is essential that they possess certain skills to survive in such perilous areas. Third, these women are generally anti-men and feel they must prove themselves the equals or betters of men. They wish to be self-reliant and prove they have no need for men except as a slave. Despite all this, such women are said to make excellent slaves if they can be captured.

In the civilized cities, there are two examples in the books of free women using bows, a short bow and a crossbow, to hunt. These appear to be women of means who enjoy hunting as a sport. One woman hunts tabuk while the other hunts a male slave. Both rode tharlarions and one even wore hunting leathers. Though both do end up as slaves, their use of the bow is not questioned. Thus it appears that some women did hunt with bows though it is obviously a dangerous pasttime. But again, neither of these two women used swords. They also only hunted and did not engage in actual combat.

There is a single example of a woman wielding a sword, with any type of skill, in the novels. There are other examples of women using a sword but they are generally where a woman picks up a sword on the spur of the moment to aid someone in distress. In Tarnsman of Gor, Talena picks up a sword and cuts off a man's hand to protect Tarl Cabot. Though she was a member of the Warrior's Caste, she had no training in using a sword. In Raiders of Gor, a woman uses a sword during an attack on Port Kar though she has no training in the weapon. Any damage these women did was basically a lucky strike.

Our only skilled combatant was Tarna, a bandit chieftain of a Tahari band, depicted in Tribesmen of Gor. Tarna wielded a scimitar, the curved sword of the Tahari. S he was not a member of the Red Caste or actually any Caste. During a bandit raid on a well in the Tahari, the men note that the strangest thing about the raid was that it was led by a woman, Tarna. Tarna had not attained her position as bandit leader due to her combat skills. She was a tool of the Salt Ubar, himself an ally of the Kurii, and it was he who placed her at the head of her band. The men that followed her had little if any honor. They destroyed wells, a most grievous crime in the Tahari. No honorable bandit would ever have done so. Tarna's men follow her because of the Salt Ubar and not her own prowess. The Salt Ubar himself had little respect for her abilities and eventually relieved of her command. The plan had always been to use her and then enslave her once her usefulness was over.

Tarna claimed to be more skilled with her blade than any man but this was only empty boasting. No one else ever supported her allegation. When she first met Tarl Cabot, she begged to be his slave. Near the end of the novel, Tarna and Tarl fought a duel. Tarl claimed that she was not unskillful but that she was not a match for a Warrior and that there were many men who could have finished her easily and swiftly. It must be noted that he does not compare her to any other female warrior. He compares her only to male warriors. If other female warriors had existed, he would likely have rated her according to them and not men. Tarl toyed with her during the duel, trying not to tire her arm by defending with his full strength. He easily defeated Tarna.

The example of Tarna was given as an oddity. Tarna was not a member of the Red Caste and clearly was not a match for a male Warrior. She was nothing but a pawn in the game of the Kurii. In the cities, if she had a scimitar, it is likely that she would have been quickly enslaved. Tarna does not prove that women can wield swords effectively. It only shows that anyone can pick up a sword and try to fight. But, they would never be a challenge for a Warrior and they would not be accepted by men. "The insignia of men," become empty mockeries when permitted to women." (Mercenaries of Gor, p.56)

Thus, we do have an answer for our first prong of the inquiry. Women, due to their lesser strength, have trouble using some of the weapons of the Warriors, especially the sword. Some are capable of using such weapons as the bow and spear. In general, those weapons are often used for hunting. But, these women would not be a match for a male Warrior. In a sword fight, they could not compete on equal grounds. Overall though, it is technically possible that women could use some weapons of the Warriors.

For those who feel women Warriors are true to the books, what are your reasons? Where is the support in the novels? Most will only claim that there is no explicit prohibition. Others will point to Tarna, Panther girls and Talunas. Others will state they know plenty of strong women on Earth. Yet, these arguments are only considering the capabilities of women.

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27 mai 2010 4 27 /05 /mai /2010 10:14

GOR is a large world with a wide range of Castes, and well....Chuckles....I found myself to find an interest into making perfums and essential oils for the City of Tyros which i call my Homestone.


Well....My life on SL GOR been one of an outlaw, always roaming the woods and villages, hunting for surviving in this harsh world, capturing and selling panthers mostly, as this is a good and profitable commerce *grins*.

In some ways, i have always been a merchant, and i ended in that Caste to be mine, and wearing its colors.


Gorean society is based upon "caste" systems. Similar to the class system on earth; i.e., social systems. Each profession or occupation seems to have its own structure, and its place in Gorean society. They have their own social gatherings and functions, keeping it elite to the cause. One may raise or lower their selves according to ability and aptitude.

Many of the larger castes of Gor have their own unique colors. The colors are displayed by many of the castes, to show their place in society; the caste in which they belong.

Each caste maintains a belief system, and follows the "codes" by which they believe in.

Gorean castes are divided into two categories, High castes and Low castes.

One of the low castes is the Caste of Perfumers. It is intriguing to note how closely Norman has stuck to popular images of the temperaments and personalities of earthen members of the professions of couturiers, hairdressers, perfumers and cosmetologists in His handling of those castes in the books.

The colors of the Caste of Perfumers were yellow and white:

My assistant, a large fellow, but obviously stupid, smooths haven as are the perfumers, in white and yellow silk, and golden sandals, bent over, hurried forward. He carried a tray of vials. - Masurauders of Gor, Ch. 8

The variety duties and interactions with other castes by the Caste of Perfumers are of great interest also.


 This caste concerns itself with the production of various types of scented perfumes, used for purposes of esthetic appeal. Often works in conjunction with the caste of Oil Makers to produce scented oils and such. Also works with the caste of Charcoal Makers and the caste of Spice Merchants to create incense.


Quite an interesting Caste!!

I found in it a real interest and a new dimension to Roleplay, different from the fighting, and rarely boring.


I will come back on the subject of the Flora on Gor ....

Partager cet article
27 avril 2010 2 27 /04 /avril /2010 17:14

~wordless confessions~

On Gor, there are several things that are understood amongst Master and slave; being part of the culture, these gestures are silent and carry much meaning. A slave may not have permission to speak, but with these gestures she still sends a silent message.

I noted that the palm of her hands, so soft, so vulnerable, had turned on her thighs, so that they faced up. Among slave girls this is a common way of signaling need, helplessness, a desire to please. As she probably did not know that I took it to be instinctive, or semi-instinctive, perhaps a subconscious, or only partially understood, utilization of the symbolic aspects of the palm of the female's hand. One reason for thinking this is a very natural behavior is that almost all female slaves, in certain situations, will use it, even before it has been explicitly called to their attention by, say a whip-master or trainer.

...it is one of her nonverbal signals, one of those numerous signals, such as need knots, body touchings, and such, by means of which she may express herself, even if forbidden to speak. It is also be used as a begging, placatory behavior.

Vagabonds of Gor, page 209.

The first quote below explains one meaning of the bondage knot, and the meaning of offering fruit up to a Master. The second quote states the second meaning of the bondage knot, when it is tied by a Master.

"On Gor, the female slave, desiring her master, yet sometimes fearing to speak to him, frightened that she may be struck, has recourse upon occasion to certain devices, the meaning of which is generally established and culturally well understood. I shall mention tow such devices. There is, first, the bondage knot. Most Gorean slave girls have long hair. The bondage knot is a simple loped knot tied in the girl's hair and worn at the side on her right cheek or before her right shoulder. The girl approaches the master naked and kneels, the bondage knot soft, curled, fallen at the side of her right cheek or before her right shoulder.

Another device, common in Port Kar, is for the girl to kneel before the master and put her head down and lift her arms, offering fruit, usually a larma or a yellow Gorean peach, ripe and fresh. these devices, incidentally, may be used even by a slave girl who hates her master but whose body, trained to love, cannot endure the absence of the masculine caress.
From Tribesman of Gor, pages 27-28.

The second quote states the second meaning of the bondage knot, when it is tied by a Master, that the slave in question is taken, the knot represents a message, that a Master will return for the girl.

"I took a long set of strands of her dark hair, some inch and a half in thickness. I loosely knotted them at the right side of her cheek.
"The bondage knot," she whispered.
"this will mark you as having been taken," I said.....

From Tribesman of Gor, page 321.

Another silent message is the placement of the palms of the hands, up or down.....palms up, sends the meaning of great need..

"Position!," I snapped.
Swiftly she knelt again, as she had been commanded earlier.
You obey with the alacrity of a slave girl," I observed.
If I do not," she said, "I could be punished as one, could I not?"
"Yes," I said, "and would be." I walked about her, examining her.... She kept her back very straight, and her head up. I was then again before her. I noted that the palm of her hands, so soft, so vulnerable, had turned on her thighs, so that they faced up.

Among slave girls this is a common ways of signaling need, helplessness, a desire to please.

Vagabonds of Gor...pg.209

She knelt in the position of the Pleasure Slave but her hands on her thighs had unconsciously, pleadingly, turned their palms to me, and she no longer knelt quite back on her heels. It was as though she begged to be allowed to lift and open her arms and rise and come to my arms. But as I looked upon her sternly she turned her palms again to her thighs, knelt back on her heels and dropped her head, holding her eyes as if by force of will fixed on the plastic beneath my sandals.

"Priest Kings of Gor" (pages 234-235)





-Confessions Silencieuses

Sur Gor, il existe differents signes silencieux compris entre le Maitre et son esclave.
Faisant partie de la culture goréene, ces signes silencieux ont une signification profonde. Un esclave peut ne pas avoir l'autorisation de parler, mais avec ces signes, il lui est possible néanmois de faire passer un message silencieux clair.


J'ai noté que la paume de ses mains, si douces, si vulnérable, avaient pivotés sur ses cuisses, de sorte qu'elles faisaient face vers le haut. Parmi les filles esclaves c'est une manière commune d'indiquer un besoin , l'abandon, un désir de satisfaire. Car elle n'a pas su probablement que je l'ai pris pour être instinctif, ou semi-instinctif, peut-être un signe du subconscient, ou seulement partiellement compris, l'utilisation des aspects symboliques de la paume de la main de la femelle. Une raison de penser ceci est un comportement très normal est que presque tous les esclaves femelles, dans certaines situations, l'emploieront, même avant qu'il soit explicitement appelé à leur attention par, disont, un Maître-foueteur ou un entraîneur.

… c'est l'un de ces signaux non-verbaux, un de ces nombreux signaux, tels que des noeuds du besoin, des toucher du corps, et tels, moyen avec lesquels elle peuvent s'exprimer, même si elles leurs est interdit de parler. Il sont également employé en tant que supplications, comportement placatory.

Vagabonds of Gor, page 209.


La première citation ci-dessous explique une signification du noeud de servage, et la signification d'offrir un fruit à un maître. La deuxième citation énonce la deuxième signification du noeud de servage, quand elle est attachée par un maître.

"Sur Gor, l'esclave femelle, désirant son maître, pourtant craignant parfois de lui parler, effrayé qu'elle puisse être frappée, a recours à l'occasion à certains dispositifs, dont la signification est généralement établi et culturellement bien comprise. Je mentionnerai deux de ces dispositifs. Il y a, premier, le noeud de servage (bondage). La plupart des filles esclaves de Gor ont de longs cheveux. Le noeud de servage est un noeud simple attaché dans les cheveux de la fille et porté sur le côté au niveau de sa joue droite ou sur le devant de son épaule droite. La fille approche le Maitre nu et s'agenouille, le noeud de servage souple, courbé, tombé sur le côté de sa joue droite ou sur le devant de son épaule droite."

"Un autre dispositif, commun à Port Kar, est pour la fille de se mettre à genoux devant  le maître et baisser sa tête vers le bas en soulevant ses bras vers le Maitre, offrant un fruit, habituellement un larma ou une pêche jaune de Gor, mûr et frais. ces dispositifs, par ailleurs, peuvent être employés même par une fille esclave qui déteste son maître mais dont le corps, entrainé à l'amour, ne peut pas supporter l'absence de la caresse masculine."
From Tribesman of Gor, pages 27-28.


La deuxième citation énonce la deuxième signification du noeud de servage, quand il est attaché par un maître, que l'esclave en question est "prise" (une propriétée), le noeud représente un message, qu'un maître retournera pour la fille.

"J'ai pris une longue meche de ses cheveux foncés, de plusieurs centimetres d'épaisseur. Je les aient noués au côté droit de sa joue.
"Le noeud de servage, " chuchotta t-elle.
"ceci te marquera comme étant prise, " Je dit .....
From Tribesman of Gor, page 321.


Un autre message silencieux est le placement des paumes des mains, vers le haut ou vers le bas ..... des paumes vers le haut, envoie la signification du grand besoin.

"Position !"  Je lançai.
Vite elle se mit à genoux, de nouveau, comme elle avait été commandée plus tôt.
"Vous obéissez avec l'alacrité d'une fille esclave" J'observai.
"Si je ne le fais pas, " elle a dit, "Je pourrais être puni, n'est it pas ?"
" Oui," dis-je
"et le serais" Je marchai jusqu'a elle, l'examinant….
Elle gardait son dos très droit, et sa tête droite. J'étais de nouveau face à elle. Je notai que la paume de ses mains, si douces, si vulnérables, avaient tournées sur ses cuisses, de sorte qu'elles faisaient face vers le haut.

Parmi les filles esclaves ce sont des moyens communs d'indiquer un besoin, l'abandon, un désir de satisfaire.
Vagabonds of Gor...pg.209


Elle s'est mise à genoux en position de l'esclave de plaisir mais ses mains sur ses cuisses inconsciemment avaient d'un ton de prière tourné leurs paumes vers moi, et elle n'etait plus agenouillée tout à fait en arrière sur ses talons. C'était comme si elle priait d'être permise de se lever et d'ouvrir ses bras et venir dans mes bras. Mais pendant que je la considérais, sévèrement elle tourna ses paumes encore à ses cuisses, s'est mise à genoux en arrière sur ses talons et a laissé tomber sa tête vers le bas, maintenant ses yeux comme si par la force de la volonté fixés sur le plastique en dessous de mes sandales.

"Priest Kings of Gor" (pages 234-235)

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23 mars 2010 2 23 /03 /mars /2010 12:00

What i will lay on this page is my personal feeling about Gor World in the virtual platform called "Second Life", after 2 and half years of presence in SL Gor.

As i explained earlier on my blog, Gor is a fiction, an imaginary world created by John Norman, counting the adventures of a man called Tarl Cabot which is transported from earth to another planet called Gor and where the men rules over women.
While most accept their conditions, some women refuse it and decide to escape to live in hideout in the forest and jungles, surviving on their own and hunting any men that would step in their territory.
This planet is over Ruled by some extra terrestre called "Priest Kings" which are only a myth for the Gorean population since they never appear to them but keep a real control over the population, using some powerful way to punish them if the human broke the rules they instored when they 1st kidnapped them from earth to bring them to Gor.
These "Priest Kings" are some sort of very advanced specie, using Gor as a Laboratory with humans as their little cobayes.

This world is maintained to a feudal caste system with feudal weapons to fight, sword being the main weapon and bow used but considered by most as peasant weapon. There is not chivalry in Gor, but a very advanced concept of "Honor" which lead the life of a Gorean Man.

Yet, peoples have to know what this word "Honor" significate....in Second life Gor.

I will clearly state down here that i haven't read more then the 7th first books of a collection holding 26+ books, so my personal knowledge of Gor is limited to what i ve read and studied on SL Gor in the different and many library you may find all around GOR in SL.

I discovered Gor in the end of 2007, randomly, as i was discovering Second Life by the same time. I saw one day, in a place i was usually playing music, a woman in a kneeling position which is know as "Nadu", position well know by Gorean Society and in general by BDSM society.
My curiosity got caught for some reason, yet i don't know myself why, but i got intrigued and i asked after some hesitation what was doing that woman in that position and why?
So i got told about she was a Gorean Slave....the notion of slave being quite upseting for me in this time, as slavery i known in this time was based on the pictures we all know of slavery in the history of our civilizations.
But for some reasons i don't know, i was fascinated and i wanted to know more, to see more, to learn more of this "Gor World"

So i decided to visit some land on second life, based on John Norman Gorean novels and ended in a French land called Caithris Island.
I started to learn about Gor and its rules, mainly by observing and questioning peoples i was "playing" with. Yet this was a game to me, nothing else but a "Roleplay Game" until i bought the 1st book of Gor called "Tarnsman of Gor" and which truly conquested me for i enjoyed it.
Yet this is my personal feelings about it, and i might perfectly understand some might dislike Gor.
So i started to read books after spending my 2-3 months around SL Gor, doing nothing but "playing" to fight with bow and others weapons, raiding others Gorean communities, fighting panther girl tribes, and outlaws.
This was for me nothing but a very laggy but funny medieval counter strike game where i was not understanding at all what was Gor and the meaning of Slavery in Gor.

But after reading the first book, my vision of Gor changed and i started to understand step by step what i had seen this day i saw that kajira kneeling in Nadu position...
It been a true revelation for me and from this moment i read the books, my point of view on everything i was looking around Gor SL changed, and it become clear that i was completely lost, and i realized how lost are peoples in SL Gor.

GOR by John Norman is a very harsh world, with very complex codes, little signs meaning a lot, plenty of positions, and a extremely powerful Principe of Honor. The slavery is part of the customs and life of Gorean peoples, and this is not something condemned, it is part of life to a Gorean man or woman, man often being killed then enslaved, but that could happen.
Slavery in Gor being in some ways, the research of the perfect relation between a man and a woman, the true and completing relation of love and passion that should be between a man and a woman in love.
What a Gorean slave is learning, is to be free to be who he really want to be, and to learn to get over all the barriers that hold him from feeling truly and expressing fully who he/she is inside.
A Gorean slave is "Forced" to reveal himself/herself to her/his Master/Mistress, unconditionally and truly.
It is an extremely powerful and beautiful relation that born into pain feelings at first, as the Master need to remind his place to the slave; But with time and attention, the pain turn into compréhension and love from both parties.
The Master/Mistress are not some sort of torturers, as in gorean society, even if a slave is considered as less then an animal, it is well know that wars started for such low animals. Gorean might be strict and Harsh, but only in appearance, as they hold inside a great and deep love and passion for their slaves. They do not like to hurt and provide pain to their slaves, they do it only as consequence of disobedience or bad actions of a slave, as a punishment. They do it as well sometimes as a way to recall the slave their place, with no others reasons.

They are Masters/Mistresses and they are slaves, and have to remember it.

Gor isn't about giving Pain for pleasure, there is not notion of pleasure felt by the Master while punishing his slave.


Gor isn't BDSM and too often this is confused and mixed. Gorean love life, in everything, they cherish the beauty of life and enjoy each single minutes of their life to celebrate it. The Gorean is a life lover in all its forms, he is not a pain dealer taking a sadist pleasure in exercising his authority on a "miserable" little worthless worm slave.

Never in John Norman, you will read a Gorean taking sadistic pleasure on torturing a slave, NEVER!

But.....after spending 2 and half years on SL Gor, i come to this conclusion.
GOR SL is BDSM and not Gorean for most of it. Most of what happen in SL is a Joke!
Some will consider it as a game, where they will express their most childish side, wanting to rule the world with their little bows, trying to prove they are the stronger but in the end, they are the weaker as nothing in their actions for most of those, is Gorean. Most of these will capture enemies and bring them back to their camp/fort/city only to let em rote in a cage without any attention, till finally the captive decide to leave the land by teleporting out of it, pissed off.
Or other scenario, typical from the poor SL gorean men, will be to remove clothes of captives, cross them, torture them with any sort of deranged ideas before to rape and brand them. if the captive is lucky, she will be tortured again and raped again before to be sold out to her group or any others group. if she is not lucky she will be tortured, raped many times, and finally killed for being not "Funny" anymore.

In John Norman Novels, the life of a slave was removed very easily, yes! But never without an excellent reason, as Gorean always value life, even in a low beast like a slave girl/boy. Slaves know their place perfectly and the danger that their situation was, knowing perfectly that if they were displeasing, they would be sold or killed. Knowing this, they were acting in consequence to preserve from such funnest destiny, but death being really rare to be done to a slave.
The most to die in Gor by John Norman, were the Free men, because for a gorean man, the only destiny if falling to an opponent was the death.
Law of the Strong ruling in Gor.
When a city was falling under the attacks of his enemies, the captive men was slayed almost all time, the free women enslaved and the slaves sized to the victorious attackers, and not Killed!
a slave in Gor, by John Norman, is valued, even if considered less then an animal, they are valued highly!! and only a stupid man would release a slave or don't make profit with it, killing a slave would be stupid.

So SL GOR is about a big big joke, where most play their little sadist ignorant game, calling themselves Gorean, dressing as Gorean, but being totally ungorean.
Well...sad paint of SL GOR i am giving you here, yes, is true.
But in the middle of all this sad "game" there are some peoples that are craving for a real Gorean atmosphere and trying yet to resist all these ungorean sadist and players.
I ve met peoples during my 2 years and half, that i consider as truly Gorean in spirit and heart, they exist and survive in Gor SL, trying regulary to build up some land with a true Gorean spirit, but often this got ruined by the "Gamers" that come and interfere too often into that fragile world of True Gorean.

If you really like GOR and wish to learn of it. BUY THE BOOKS AND READ THEM!
if any of these "gamers" had read only the 2 first books of GOR, they would for sure act differently , or at least, they would be more Gorean then they are actually.

So if you like GOR by John Norman, and you know about the books and what is a true Gorean. Come and join us in SL Gor, we badly need you to share and learn about who we are deep inside and reveal ourselves like a beautiful blooming flower.

Thank you.



Ce que je vais exprimer dans cet article sont mes impressions personnelles à propos du monde de GOR au travers de la plateforme virtuelle plus connue sous le nom de second life.


Comme je l'ai expliqué plus tôt sur mon blog, Gor est une fiction, un monde imaginaire crée par John Norman, racontant les aventures d'un homme appelé Tarl Cabot qui va être amené sur une planète appelé GOR où les hommes dominent les femmes.

Alors que la plupart acceptent leur condition, certaines on décidés de la refuser et se sont enfuient pour vivre cachées dans les forêts et jungle, survivant par leurs propre moyen et chassant tout homme qui oserait s'aventurer sur leur territoire.

Cette planète est contrôlée par une race extra-terrestre appelée "Les prêtres Roi" qui, pour les habitants de Gor, sont un mythe, personne ne les ayant jamais aperçus. Ils exerce un vrai contrôle sur la population, utilisant des armes puissantes pour détruire ceux qui oserait aller a l'encontre d'une des lois qu'il ont instauré au moment où il ont kidnappé les premiers humain de la terre pour les amener sur Gor.

Ces "Prêtres Roi" sont une espèce très avancé, utilisant Gor comme laboratoire ou les humains sont des cobayes.


Ce monde est régie par un system de Castes de type Féodal, les armes étant principalement des épées et arcs, l'arc étant considéré comme une arme de basse caste, de paysan. Il n'y a pas de chevalerie sur Gor, mais un concept très avancé d'honneur, qui régie la vie des hommes Goréen.


Il faudrait encore que les personnes sachent ce que signifie le mot "honneur"...sur GOR dans Second Life.


Pour ma part, je n'ai lu que 7 livres sur une collection en contenant + de 26, ma connaissance de Gor est donc limité a ce que j'ai déjà pu lire et ce que j'ai lu dans les différentes bibliothèques que l'ont peu trouver sur Gor dans Second Life.


J'ai découvert Gor à ma fin de l'année 2007, par hasard, alors que je me promenai sur Second Life. Un jour alors que je me trouvai sur une terre virtuelle ou j'avais l'habitude de jouer de la musique, mon attention s'est porté sur une femme se trouvant dans une position à genoux, position plus connu sous le nom de "Nadu", position bien connue des goréen et de la communauté BDSM.

Ma curiosité fut grande, pour des raisons qui me sont encore inconnue, j'ai simplement été fasciné et intrigué, et après quelques hésitations, je me suis décidé a me renseigner sur la raison pour laquelle cette femme était dans cette position.

On m'indique qu'il s'agissait d'une kajira, une esclave d'un monde appelé Gor, la notion d'esclave m'étant alors plus que difficile à accepter, même si ce n'était qu'un monde virtuel.

L'esclavage pour moi étant celui que nous connaissons tous, avec les évènements passé au cours de l'histoire de nos civilisations.

Mais pour une raison qu'il m'était inconnue, j'étais fasciné par cette femme et je voulu en savoir plus sur ce monde de Gor.


J'ai donc commencé à visiter des terrains sur Second life, basé sur le monde goréen de John Norman et me suis retrouvé sur un terrain appelé île de Caithris.

J'ai commencé à apprendre Gor et ses règles, principalement en observant et questionnant ses habitants avec lesquels je partager mon Roleplay. Encore à cette époque, Gor pour moi n'était rien de plus qu'un jeu, jusqu'au jour ou j'ai acheté et lu mon premier livre, "le Tarnier de Gor", livre que j'ai adoré.

Comme je l'ai dit précédemment, j'exprime ici mon avis personnel et je comprends parfaitement que certains/certaines puissent ne pas être en accord avec moi.

J'ai donc continué à lire les livres de Gor après avoir passé 2 à 3 mois à ne faire que me distraire dans cet univers particuliers que je ne comprenais pas. Passant le plus clair de mon temps à batailler avec arcs et épées contre d'autres communautés Goréennes, panthères et autres hors la loi.

Pour moi à cette époque cela n'était rien de plus qu'un jeu très amusant avec beaucoup de lag, où je ne comprenais alors rien de ce que pouvait signifier Gor ou l'esclavage sur Gor.


Mais après avoir lu le premier livre, ma vision de Gor a radicalement changé, j'ai alors commencé à comprendre dans quel univers je me trouvai et les raisons pour lesquelles j'avais vu cette kajira à genoux en Nadu.

La lecture des livres de Gor fut une véritable révélation pour moi, et mon point de vue et ma compréhension des choses se passant dans le cadre de Gor, a complètement changé. Il était clair que j'étais complètement pommé et j'ai pris conscience par la même occasion à quel point la plupart le sont sur Gor SL.


Gor de John Norman, est un monde très dur avec des codes complexe, de petits signes ayant une signification très précise, une grande quantité de positions, et un principe d'honneur très puissant et important pour les Goréens.

L'esclavage fait partie des coutumes et de la vie des Goréens, ce n'est pas une pratique condamné, cela fait partie de la vie d'un homme ou d'une femme de Gor, les hommes étant pour la plupart tués plutôt que réduit en esclavage, mais cela arrive.


L'esclavage dans Gor étant en quelques sortes une recherche d'une relation parfaite entre un homme et une femme, une véritable et complète relation d'amour et de passion qui devrait exister entre un homme et une femme s'aimant.

Ce qu'un/une esclave Goréen apprend, c'est d'être totalement libre d'être sois même, et d'apprendre à franchir toutes les barrières psychologique qui l'empêche de ressentir vraiment et d'exprimer totalement la personne qu'il/elle est intérieurement.

Un/Une esclave Goréen, est contraint de se révéler à son Maitre ou sa Maitresse, sans conditions, et véritablement. C'est une relation extrêmement puissante et belle qui nait alors, d'abord dans la peine, le Maitre ou la Maitresse devant régulièrement rappeler sa place à l'esclave et les règles à suivre; Mais avec patience et attention, la peine se transforme en compréhension et amour, pour l'esclave et son Maitre.


Le Maitre ou la Maitresse Goréen, ne sont pas des bourreaux, et mêle si pour la société Goréene l'esclave est moins considéré qu'un animal, il est bien connue que de nombreuses guerres on commencés pour l'une de ces bêtes. Les Goréens sont strict et dur, mais les apparences sont trompeuse, ils ont en eux un grand amour et une passion pour leurs esclaves. Il n'aime pas blesser ou donner de la souffrance à leurs esclaves, même si cela est nécessaire parfois pour rappeler à un esclave sa place, ou en punition pour désobéissance.


Ils sont Maitres/Maitresses et ils sont esclaves, et doivent s'en rappeler.


Le monde de Gor n'est pas basé sur donner des souffrances inutiles, il n'y a pas de plaisir ressenti en procurant de la souffrance à un esclave, par son Maitre Goréen, alors qu'il le puni.




Le monde de Gor n'est pas BDSM et trop souvent cela est confondu et mélangé. Les Goréens aime la vie dans toutes choses, il chérissent la beauté de la vie à chaque instant de leur vie et la célèbre continuellement. Le Goréen est un amoureux de la vie sous toutes ses formes, il n'est pas un sadique qui va prendre son pied à faire souffrir et exercer son autorité sur un "misérable petit esclave".


Jamais dans le monde créé par John Norman, vous ne trouverez un Goréen prenant un plaisir sadique à torturer un esclave, Jamais!


Mais après avoir passé plus de deux ans sur Gor dans Second Life, j'en suis arrivé à cette conclusion:


Gor sur Second Life est BDSM et non Goréen pour la plupart des endroits, ce n'est qu'une vaste plaisanterie virtuelle.
Certains vont considérer Gor comme un jeu ou ils exprimeront leur coté le plus immature, voulant contrôler le monde avec leur petit arc, essayant de prouver qu'ils sont les plus forts, ne prouvant à la fin rien de plus que de la faiblesse, par leurs actes anti goréen. La plupart de ces personnes se contenteront de capturer, attacher et ramener leurs victimes à leur camp/fort/ville où ils les laisseront pourrir en cage pendant sans aucune interaction ni attention, jusqu'au moment ou le captif décidera de quitter les lieux en se téléportant ailleurs, dégouté.
Un autre scénario classique de la plupart des ces pseudo Goréen sera de retirer les vêtements de leur captive, l'attacher à une croix, la torturer avec toutes sortes d'idées dérangés avant de finalement achever le travail par un viol et un marquage au fer. Si la captive est "chanceuse" elle sera encore torturée, violé et finalement vendu à son groupe ou un autre groupe. Si elle est moins chanceuse, elle sera torturé, violé plusieurs fois puis finalement tué car plus intéressante.

Dans le monde crée par John Norman, la vie d'une esclave ne tiens qu'a un fil, oui!
Mais jamais sans une excellente raison, les Goréens respectent la vie et la chérisse, même celle d'une bête médiocre comme un esclave male ou femelle. Les esclaves connaissent les conséquences de leurs actes, et connaissent leur place parfaitement, sachant parfaitement que s’ils s’avèrent déplaisant, ils seront vendus ou tué. Sachant cela, ils se comportent en conséquence pour se préservé d'un destin funeste, mais la mort est la dernière des solutions pour un esclave.
Ceux qui meurent le plus sur Gor sont les hommes libres Goréens, étant régie par la loi du plus fort, le vainqueur à pour coutume de tuer son adversaire male, plutôt que de le rendre esclave.
Quand une ville tombe aux mains de ses assaillants, les hommes libres sont tués la plupart du temps, les femmes libres sont réduise en esclavage et les esclaves sont récupéré et approprié et non pas Tués!
Un esclave sur Gor d'après John Norman, est valorisé même si considéré moins qu'un animal, ils sont extrêmement appréciés! et seul un homme stupide relâcherait un esclave sans faire un profit, inutile de préciser que tuer un esclave est encore plus stupide.

Gor sur Second Life est donc une vaste plaisanterie, où la plupart de ces ignorants s'applique à libérer leur petit coté sadique, se prétendant Goréen, s'habillant presque comme des Goréen, et se comportant de manière totalement non Goréene.
Bien....Bien triste image de Gor sur Second Life je vous présente, oui, c'est vrai.
Mais cependant au milieu de tout ce triste tableau, il existe tout de même des personnes qui désespèrent de trouver une véritable atmosphère Goréene et qui essayent de résister autant qu'ils le peuvent à tous ces sadiques non Goréen et/ou simple joueurs.

J'ai rencontré au cours de mes 2 ans et demi, des personnes que je considère comme de vrai Goréen, dans l'esprit et le cœur. Ils existent et survive sur Gor dans Second Life, essayant régulièrement de construire des terrains appliquant un véritable esprit Goréen, mais souvent confronté à la masse de "joueur" et autres non Goréens, ils se retrouvent affaibli mais tiennent bon.
Le véritable monde de Gor sur Second Life est fragile et nécessite toute la volonté des quelques passionné et convaincu pour tenir le cap.

Alors si vous aimez vraiment Gor et son univers, et que vous souhaitiez apprendre, ACHETEZ LES LIVRES ET LISEZ LES!
Si seulement ces "joueurs" avaient lu les 2 premiers livres de Gor, ils agiraient surement de manière différente, ou au moins, ils seraient plus Goréen qu’ils ne le sont actuellement.

Alors si vous aimez le monde de Gor par John Norman, et avez une connaissance des livres et de ce que signifie vraiment "être Goréen", venez et rejoignez nous sur Gor dans Second Life, nous avons cruellement besoin de vous pour partager et apprendre qui nous sommes intérieurement et se révéler et s'ouvrir telle une belle fleur s'épanouissant.



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16 mars 2010 2 16 /03 /mars /2010 23:53
1st, What is a Leem,a Larl and so on, in Gor?

Leem:  This is a small arctic rodent, five to ten ounces in weight.  It hibernates in the winter and their summer coats are brown.
Larl:  There are several varieties of this tawny leopard-like beast in gor, It is six to eight foot tall at the shoulder.
Gants:  There are a few different types of these birds. The marsh gant is a small, horned, web-footed aquatic fowl.
Sleen:  There are several varieties of this six-legged, long bodied carnivorous mammal.  It is almost like a snake.  Some can get as big as twenty feet long and up to twelve to fourteen hundred pounds.  They have two rows of teeth in a wide and triangular head.  Their paws have six claws.  They smell like a weasel or ferret but only stronger.  Sleens are very dirty animals. It is an efficient, tireless, almost infallible hunter.
a ehn: An Ehn is equal to 1.8 minutes, or 108 seconds.

Once upon a time there was a leem, who thought he was a larl. He strutted around, bullying the other leems, making bizarre noises which were the nearest he could get to a larl’s growl. The other leems were scared of the strange leem and kept out of his way as much as they possibly could. Of course this made the strange leem feel even more powerful and he swaggered and blustered and became very full of himself, thinking he was the strongest and most fearsome creature in the whole world.
But after a time the strange leem became bored. The other leems did not come near him and he was unable to scare them with his outlandish noises and threatening ways. So the leem who thought he was a larl left the burrows and went in search of other creatures to bully. He strode across the meadow away from his home and saw some gants. He smiled to himself; here were some creatures to bully. So he rushed at them, making his weird growl. The gants had never seen a leem act this way and they were frightened by the odd sounds it was making, so they flapped their wings, screeched in panic and fluttered away.
The strange leem was pleased with himself. He must be the most fearsome larl in all of Gor to be able to scare these birds so easily. Proud and puffed up he went off in search of more animals to bully. He walked for a few ehns, and came across some birds floating serenely on a small pond. He crept forward and then sprang out from behind a bush, shouting at the fishers and making his peculiar growling noise. The fishers were surprised and shocked but the sudden appearance of the leem, and the bizarre noises he was making. They thought perhaps a hunter was nearby and the leem was fleeing him. So the flapped their wings and flew up into the air and away across the fields to safety.
The strange leem sat by the pond, very pleased with this.  Surely he was the most fearsome of all creatures. He strutted off across the fields, determined to show the world how strong and terrible he was. He walked for a little while, growling in his odd way at butterflies and insects which all fled from the strange leem. 
At last he saw a flock of grazing goats, so he began to stalk them, growling oddly under his breath. The goats looked around, wondering where the peculiar noise was coming from. Suddenly the leem leapt into the air and the goats squealed and panicked. They ran away, bleating sorrowfully. The strange leem laughed and laughed. He had frightened these creatures, all of which were larger than him. He must truly be the most terrifying larl on Gor.
He stopped for a while in the empty field and ate a little grass as he had become hungry during his journey. As he ate he did not notice that a sleen had entered the field on the opposite side and was slowly making its way toward him.  When the sleen got closer, the leem heard a noise and looked up from his meal. He saw the sleen and at once her puffed himself up and began to make the outlandish noise he thought was a growl. The sleen was not impressed and moved closer to the leem.
The leem growled once more and the sleen paused, a little confused by the strange leem making such odd noises. The leem crouched, ready to spring onto the sleen and tear it to bits. The sleen stoop still, not sure what the strange animal would do next. Suddenly the leem sprung forward, intending perhaps to sink its larl teeth into the sleen’s throat. But the sleen’s head moved and snatched the leem out of the air, breaking its back in the grip of its jaws. The sleen ate the strange leem and soon forgot about the odd creature.
So while it is true that a leem can dream of being a larl, when he is faced with a sleen he had better remember that he is really just a leem after all.

Ps: This is not a story mine, it been gived to me by one slave girl i had in past. So is a related story or Gor.
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