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13 mars 2010 6 13 /03 /mars /2010 18:03

Sur Gor, l'esclavage est un établissement antique et historiquement développé. Il est complexe, avec ses centaines d'aspects et facettes, légal, social et esthétique. L'esclavage a sa base dans les différences biologiques des hommes et des femmes. La dominance masculine est dominante parmi les mammifères et universel parmi les primates. Les Goréens acceptent l'esclavage naturellement pendant leur vie et ils peuvent remettre en cause sa validité de base.


La mythologie de Gor fournit même une histoire justifiant la création de l'esclavage. Il y a bien longtemps, il y avait par le passé une guerre entre les hommes et les femmes de Gor. En fin de compte, les femmes ont été défaites. Mais, les Prêtres-Rois n'ont pas voulu tuer toutes les femmes ainsi ils les ont rendues belles. Ce qui devait attirer les hommes pour les garder sur place. Mais comme prix de leur beauté, les Prêtres-Rois ont également décrété que les femmes seraient pour toujours les esclaves des hommes.


Les romans de Gor dépeignent une image faussée de la quantité d'esclaves sur Gor. Car les esclaves ont souvent des caractères importants dans les romans, les livres à première vue pourraient vous faire croire que la plupart des femmes étaient des esclaves sur Gor. Dans la réalité, environ seulement 2 à 3% de toutes les femmes sur Gor sont des esclaves. Les Femmes Libres dépassent énormément les kajirae en nombre sur Gor. Ces rapports changent cependant de ville en ville. Par exemple, dans Ar il y a 20% des femmes qui sont esclaves environ. Dans Tharna, après la révolution contre la Tatrix, presque toutes les femmes dans cette ville étaient des esclaves.De tous les esclaves sur Gor, 90% d'entre eux sont femmes. Ainsi, les esclaves masculins sont une denrée très rare, seulement de 2 au 3% des hommes sur Gor. Il y a beaucoup de termes utilisés pour les esclaves femelles tels que les sœurs de chaînes, la slut. kajira est l'une des façons les plus communes d’appeler une femelle esclave. SA-Fora, qui signifie la fille de chaînes ou la fille de la chaîne, est une autre expression commune. Pour la plupart, ces termes sont considérés élogieux.


Chaque femme, libre et esclave, apprend dès la puberté la soumission. Sa vie pourrait un jour dépendre d'elle. Si une Femme Libre est capturée, elle doit être disposée pour cette éventualité. Les Femmes Libres apprennent comment préparer les plats exotiques, les arts de la marche et de se tenir, le soin de l'équipement d'un homme, les danses d'amour d'une ville, et beaucoup plus. Une fois qu'une fille est rendue une esclave cependant, sa formation devient beaucoup plus intense. La formation d’esclave couvre beaucoup de domaines divers des arts sexuels, aux produits de beauté et aux parfums, aux moyens d'entrer dans une salle. Tous les esclaves apprennent les manières de plaire aux hommes, physiquement, avec émotion et intellectuellement. La formation appropriée prend généralement plusieurs mois pour s’accomplir, à environ cinq heures chaque jour. Une fille cependant recevra toujours une formation additionnelle par son Maître, selon ses propres intérêts et goûts.


Il peut être facile de voir que la formation d’esclave est profondément psychologique. Il tente d'inculquer dans une femme qu'elle est seulement une esclave dont le devoir est de plaire aux hommes. Cet endoctrinement est le cadre pour toute autre formation. Sans lui, une kajira ne serait pas heureuse ou dévouée. Les esclaves doivent apprendre plus que les actions d'une esclave. Elles doivent apprendre comment être des esclaves dans leurs esprits et dans son coeur. Dans Gor, une fille libère simplement sa véritable nature intérieure. C’est moins une éducation qu’une acceptation simple de la place d'une fille dans sa nature. 


Les Goréens aiment généralement les filles vives qui combattent le collier mais se soumettent par la suite. Ils relèvent le goût du défi de casser de telles femmes. Les Goréens évaluent également les esclaves intelligentes et imaginatives. La plupart des Goréens apprécient parler à leurs esclaves ainsi veulent-ils une partenaire sensible. L’esclave idéale est voulue fortement intelligente, belle, imaginative, forte, et fière. Mais, la valeur la plus estimée, la plus fondamentale chez les femmes est leur besoin d'amour et leur capacité pour l'amour.


N'importe quel Homme Libre peut discipliner une esclave insolente, même une qui est peu contrariante. Si elle est tuée ou blessée, il doit payer seulement la compensation à son Maître et seulement si le Maître peut être situé dans un endroit spécifique et qu’il demande une telle compensation. Le disciplinage d'une esclave peut être fait par n'importe quelle Personne Libre, autrement elle pourrait faire tout ce qu'elle souhaite, et dire seulement que son Maître ne lui a pas appris. Les Maîtres de Gor, bien que souvent stricts, sont rarement cruels. Le sadisme et la cruauté dévergondée sont presque inconnus. N'importe quelle cruauté est faite habituellement pour être utile, comme dans l’enseignement à une femme qu'elle est une esclave. Parfois elles sont punies sans que le Maître explique les raisons. Il est alors fait pour que la kajira devine et pour qu’elle se demande les raisons d’une telle punition. Elle peut même être punie pour aucune raison. Une fille est rarement punie pour essayer d’être agréable.


La mobilité et la liberté d'une esclave est habituellement plus grande qu'une Femme Libre. Elle peut entrer presque n'importe où dans une ville. Si elle est autorisée à sortir en dehors de leur maison, elles peuvent habituellement errer dans la ville librement. Mais, elles ne peuvent pas laisser la Cité sans personne libre les accompagnant. En outre, les esclaves doivent également être à l'intérieur à l'obscurité. Les esclaves accompagnent souvent leur Maître dans beaucoup d'endroits, tel que le théâtre, les courses de tarn, et les joutes de kaissa. Tout en suivant leur Maître en public, une esclave marche généralement derrière son Maître et vers la gauche. Les filles suivent rarement derrière leur Maître du côté droit parce que cela est vu comme signe qu'elle est dans sa défaveur. Si plusieurs filles suivent un Maître, la plus proche est celle qui a la plupart des faveurs.

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10 mars 2010 3 10 /03 /mars /2010 13:51
An essay by Eno jansma:

The Three Brothers

Once there were three brothers. They worked as miners, digging in the mountains for gold and precious gems. They worked together for many years; always they were on good terms and helped each other when one had difficulties. They enjoyed their lives working far away from the cities, occasionally visiting the near-by town to trade their finds and buy food and wine and tools for their mines.
One day while they were in the town they stopped at a tavern to get refreshment before their journey home. In the tavern they saw three girls, two were serving Masters and the third was dancing in the sandy pit at the back of the tavern.
One of the girls had raven black hair and skin the color of creamy blackwine. He eyes were dark and she was serving a Master dressed in rich robes of a physician. The oldest brother saw her and desired her for his own. He approached the tavern owner and asked about the girl.
“Aye” said the owner, “I would sell her, but my price will be high.”
The brother looked at the girl once more and his heart beat faster.
“What is your price?” the oldest brother asked the tavern owner.
The owner told the brother and the brother said he would return in the next month to buy her. He hoped to mine enough so that his share would pay for the girl.
The second girl was fair, with golden blond hair and bright blue eyes. Her skin was like porcelain and as she knelt to serve a group of warriors, the middle brother knew that he must have the girl for his own. He approached the tavern owner and inquired about the girl.
“Aye” said the owner, “I would sell her, but my price will be high.”
The brother looked at the girl once more and his heart beat faster.
“What is your price?” the middle brother asked the tavern owner.
The owner told the brother and the brother said he would return in the next month to buy her. He hoped to mine enough so that his share would pay for the girl.
The third girl had rich brown hair, long and shiny; it fell down her back in cascades to her waist. Her skin was lightly tanned and her eyes were bright emerald green. The youngest brother watched the girl as she danced and his heart was filled with love for her. He approached the tavern owner and asked if she was for sale.
“No” said the tavern owner. “She is my favorite and I will not sell her”
The youngest brother pleaded and offered the tavern owner gold and gems and a fortune if he would only sell the girl. But the tavern owner would not change his mind.
The three brothers sat at a table and drank ale and talked of the girls. Each claimed his favorite the most beautiful. The two older brothers spoke excitedly about how they would mine all month and return to buy their girls. The youngest sat in silence, sad that he was unable to buy the girl he loved. As they sat there, the tavern owner watched them but he spoke no more to the brothers and at last they left for the mountains.
All that month the three brothers worked hard. The oldest two were determined to mine enough to buy the girls their hearts desired. The youngest, although he knew that he could not buy his beloved, yet was kind hearted and wished for his brothers to be happy. That month they all worked hard, digging in the mine for long hours, each night counting the gold they had dug from the ground. All this time, the youngest brother worked harder that either of his brothers. In part he wished them to be able to buy their girls, but in the most part, he found that while her worked hard his own heart did not ache so badly.
At the end of the month the brothers were happy with their haul. They traveled to the town and went to the exchange to have their gold weighed. When it was spit three ways, as was their custom, it was a tidy sum. But it was not quite enough for the two older brothers to buy the girls from the tavern owner. The youngest brother saw the disappointment in their eyes, and split his take so that his brothers had enough and the youngest still had sufficient to pay for their provisions.
They went to the tavern and the oldest brother spoke to the tavern owner.
“Here is the price you asked, let me buy the black haired girl from you.” He asked.
“Did you earn all this yourself?” Asked the tavern owner.
The brother explained how they had worked and that still his share had not been sufficient and how his youngest brother had given him the extra he needed.
“Well, you have met my price, and I will sell you the girl. Her name is raven because of her hair” The tavern keeper took the money and handed raven to her new Master.
Next the second brother came to speak to the tavern owner.
“Here is the price you asked, let me buy the blond haired girl from you.” He asked.
“Did you earn all this yourself?” Asked the tavern owner.
The brother explained how they had worked and that still his share had not been sufficient and how his youngest brother had given him the extra he needed.
“Well, you have met my price, and I will sell you the girl. Her name is goldie because of her hair” The tavern keeper took the money and handed goldie to her new Master.
Then the tavern owner summoned the youngest brother to him.
“Do you not wish to make me another offer on the girl you liked?” he asked, knowing full well that the brother did not have any money to buy her.
“You said you would not sell her.” The brother answered. “I believed you, but do you now say that you will sell her when I have no money to pay for her?” He was distraught and feared that he had lost his chance to buy the girl he loved.
“You are right, I will not sell her.” The tavern owner replied. “But I have seen and heard what you have done for your brothers. You worked hard, though it benefited you nothing. And then you gave up your own coins so your brothers would be happy. You are a good man. A better man than I perhaps” He smiled, “And though I will not sell my girl to any man, I will give her to you as a gift.”
He called the brown haired girl to his side.
“This is your new Master, girl” He said and saw how their eyes locked and knew they were very much in love. “Her name is charity and she is yours.”
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6 mars 2010 6 06 /03 /mars /2010 18:33

A man named Lucias once had a ship built so he could trade his mead along the coast. The keel was laid and the ship began to take shape. Each day, on his way home from his shop, Lucias would pass by the boatyard and see how his ship was progressing. Gradually it took shape until one day it appeared to be ready. Lucias went to the boat builder and said:
“Is my ship ready yet?”
The boat builder replied “It is almost finished Lucias, tomorrow we will pint on its eyes and launch her.”
Lucias was bewildered, “Why must it have eyes, surely it sails as well without them?”
The boat builder laughed good-humored, “It has eyes so it may see its way. A ship is not like a table; it is a living thing and must be treated as such.”
Lucias accepted this as some tradition kept by boat builders and sailors, but if it kept them, happy he was not the kind of man to scoff. So the following day he came to the dock and watched the eyes being painted onto the bow of the ship. He was invited to smash a flagon of wine onto the ship, letting the wine run down into the sea. Then salt and oil were poured into the water and Lucias offered a blessing for the ship saying: "Ta-Sardar-Gor" - to the Priest Kings.
And then he declared the name of the ship calling it “Foam Dancer” and watched as it slid gracefully into the water.
A couple of days later, a cargo was loaded and Foam Dancer sailed from the port. It was not a good voyage. Four days out of port a storm blew up and a man fell from the rigging and broke his back. The ship sailed into the next harbor on the following day and the poor sailor was left in the care of a physician. The sailors unloaded the mead only to find that half of the kegs were split and salt water had spoiled them.
The ship made numerous voyages up and down the coast over the next two years, but always it seemed to be plagued by accidents and losses. Foam Dancer had become known as an unlucky ship.
Lucias did not agree, he thought the crew were careless or his suppliers given him poor barrels, and other thoughts of this type. Now he did scorn the sailors for their beliefs and said he would prove them wrong and he would sail on the next voyage with them.
The next voyage proved to be no better that the others. The barrels of water were found to be brackish. A rope got caught around a sailor’s leg and caused him to trip and break his skull. The cook sliced off his little finger, swearing that he had never so much as cut himself in twenty years of sailing. And when they reached the harbor, the customer refused to accept the mead and canceled any further orders. Lucias began to wonder if the sailors were not right after all.
The next morning they left for the journey home. Barely half a day out of port they sailed into a raging storm. As the ship was tossed about, the kegs of mead broke lose and, while they tried to restrain them, a man was crushed between a keg and the bulkhead.
Lucias took to his cabin, and lay in his hammock feeling thoroughly miserable. Suddenly there came a commotion from the deck. He wondered what had happened now, and climbed out of his hammock to go and see. By the time her reached the deck the rocking of the ship had subsided, he opened the hatch to see clear sky, the storm clouds blown away. He could not believe that a storm could subside so fast.
On the deck the men were gathered around in a tight circle. Lucias struggled to force his way through to find out what interested them so. In the center of the circle knelt a young kajira, shivering with fear, her hair tangled and her silks torn. The captain turned to Lucias and told him:
“She is a stowaway, we found her in amongst the ropes. When we pulled her out the storm abated.”
Lucias looked at the girl, though torn and untidy she still appeared beautiful. “A stowaway, and probably a runaway slave too. She will be taken to the city guard when we return to port and be handed over for the decision of the city slaver.”
The crew began to mutter, but the captain held up his hand to stop them. “My friend” he said to Lucias “You know little of the traditions of the sea. On ships there are things called Luck Girls. They are believed…. By the superstitious only, of course… to bring good fortune to the ship. I do not know whether finding this girl and the cessation of the storm are coincidence or if they are linked. But I am prepared to humor my crew and let the girl remain. We will see if the ship’s fortune improves with her on board.”
Lucias looked around the circle; the faces of the crew were turned to him. “I see,” He said “Well so long as the girl remains on board, and does not set foot on land. So long as she wears a collar with the ship’s name. I see no harm in trying out your suggestion. But, if the ships fortune does not improve within three months, she goes to the city.”
Everyone seemed satisfied with this arrangement and a collar was fashioned as Lucias decreed. The girl was washed down and made to look suitable for a kajira. The ship completed its journey home with no further trouble. On landing, Lucias was approached by a breathless man who begged him to sell him some of Lucias’ fine mead. He sold the cargo at twice the price he had planned and the man wanted a regular delivery of mead to begin at once.
Over the next three months, the girl, who the sailors called "jorno", after a fish found far from land which seems to fly along the foam of the waves, remained on board. The ship voyaged up and down the coast, selling mead all over the area. There were no more accidents on the ship; no spoilt food or cargo, and the crew were the happiest upon the seas. Lucias was satisfied and never again spoke of taking the girl away. Foam Dancer had its Luck Girl and good fortune followed it from then on.

Ps: This is not a story mine, it been gived to me by one slave girl i had in past. So is a related story or Gor.


Un homme du nom de Lucias, avait un navire en construction pour qu'il puisse échanger son hydromel le long de la côte. La quille fut posée et le navire commenca à prendre forme. Chaque jour, en rentrant de son magasin, Lucias passait par le chantier pour voir comment son bateau progressait. Peu à peu, il prit forme, jusqu'au jour où il sembla être prêt. Lucias alla au constructeur de bateaux et dit:
"Mon bateau est-il prêt?
Le constructeur de bateaux a répondu: «Il est presque terminé Lucias, demain, nous peindrons ses yeux et executerons son lancement."
Lucias était égaré, «Pourquoi faut-il peindre des yeux, il naviguerait bien sans?"
Le constructeur de bateaux se mit à rire de bonne humeur, "Il a des yeux pour voir son chemin. Un navire n'est pas comme une table, il est  vivant et doit être traitée comme tel. "
Lucias accepta cela comme certaines traditions conservées par les constructeurs de bateaux et les marins, mais si cela pouvait les faire rire, Lucias n'etait pas le genre d'homme à plaisanter. Ainsi, le lendemain, il vint au quai et regarda les yeux qui avait été peints sur la proue du navire. Il fut invité à briser un flacon de vin sur le navire, laissant le vin couler dans la mer. Ensuite, le sel et l'huile ont été déversés dans l'eau et Lucias offrit une bénédiction pour le navire en disant: «Ta-Sardar-Gor" - aux Kings de prêtre.
Puis, il a déclara le nom du navire, l'appelant "Danceur d'écume", vu comme il glissait gracieusement dans l'eau.
Quelques jours plus tard, une cargaison fut chargée et "Danceur d'écume" parti du port. Ce n'était pas un bon voyage. Quatre jours hors du port, vint une tempête, et un homme tombé du gréement s'etait cassé le dos. Le navire entra dans le port le jour suivant et le pauvre matelot fut laissé aux soins d'un médecin. Les marins déchargèrent l'hydromel pour constater que la moitié des fûts etaient infiltrés avec de l'eau salée qui les avait gâtés.
Le bateau fit de nombreux voyages du haut en bas de la côte au cours des deux années suivante, mais il semblait toujours en proie à des accidents et des pertes. Danceur d'écume fut connu alors sous le nom de "navire malchanceux".
Lucias n'était pas d'accord, il pensait que l'équipage avait été négligent ou que ses fournisseurs lui donnaient de mauvais barils, et d'autres pensées de ce genre. Il se mit à mépriser les marins pour leurs croyances et leur dit qu'il leur prouveraient le contraire et qu'il serait du voyage avec eux pour le prochain appareillage .
Le voyage suivant s' avéra ne pas être meilleur que les autres. Les barils d'eau furent trouvés à saumâtre. Une corde fut prise autour de la jambe d'un matelot le fit glisser et se briser le crâne. Le cuisinier trancha son petit doigt, en jurant qu'il ne s'etait jamais autant coupé en vingt ans de navigation. Et quand ils atteignirent le port, le client refusa d'accepter l'hydromel et annula toutes les commandes supplémentaires. Lucias commenca à se demander si les marins n'avaient pas raison après tout.
Le lendemain matin, ils partirent pour le voyage de retour. A peine une demi-journée en dehors du port, ils naviguèrent dans une tempête. Comme le navire fut ballotté, les barils de l'hydromel se perdirent et, tout en essayant de les retenir, un homme fut écrasé entre un baril et la cloison.
Lucias rentra dans sa cabine, et se coucha dans son hamac avec sentiment bien misérable. Soudain il entendit une commotion à partir du pont. Il se demanda ce qui s'était passé encore.., et descendit de son hamac pour aller voir. Au moment où elle atteignit le pont, la tanguage du navire avait disparu, il ouvra l'écoutille pour y entrevoir un ciel clair, la tempête et les nuages avaient disparues. Il n'arrivait pas à croire qu'une tempête pouvait s'etre atténuer aussi vite.
Sur le pont les hommes étaient réunis autour d'un cercle restreint. Lucias eu du mal à se frayer un chemin à travers eux afin de savoir ce qui les intéressaient autant. Dans le centre du cercle, agenouillé, se trouvait une jeune kajira, tremblant de peur, ses cheveux emmêlés et ses soieries déchirées. Le capitaine se tourna vers Lucias et lui dit:
«Elle est un passager clandestin, nous l'avons trouvée au beau milieu des cordes. Lorsque nous l'avons retiré la tempête s'est calmé.
Lucias regarda la jeune fille, si déchirée et sale fut-elle, elle semblait toujours aussi belle. "Un passager clandestin, et probablement un esclave en fuite!. Elle sera livré à la garde de la ville lorsque nous retournerons au port pour être remise entre les mains de l'escalagiste de la ville. "
L'équipage commenca à murmurer, mais le capitaine leva la main pour les arrêter. "Mon ami" dit-il à Lucias «Vous savez peu des traditions de la mer. Sur les navires il ya ce qu'on appelle les filles de chance. Il est dit .... Par les superstitieux , bien entendu ... qu'elles portent bonheur à bord d'un navire. Je ne sais pas si trouver cette fille et la fin de la  tempête sont une coïncidence ou si il y'a un lien avec. Mais je suis prêt pour l'humeur de mon équipage, de laisser la jeune fille demeurer à bord. Nous allons voir si la fortune du navire s'améliore avec elle à bord. "
Lucias regarda autour du cercle, les visages de l'équipage étaient tournés vers lui. «Je vois», Il dit: «Eh bien tant que la jeune fille reste à bord, et n'a pas mis les pieds sur terre. Tant qu'elle porte un collier avec le nom du navire. Je ne vois pas de mal à essayer votre suggestion. Mais, si la fortune du navire ne s'améliore pas dans les trois mois, elle ira à la ville. "
Tout le monde semblait satisfait de cet arrangement et un collier fut façonnée comme Lucias l'avait décrété. La jeune fille fut lavé pour apparaitre comme il convient d'une kajira. Le navire effectua son voyage de retour sans autres incidents. À l'appontage, Lucias fut approché par un homme essoufflé qui le pria de lui vendre de l'hydromel, priant Lucias. Il lui vendu la marchandise au double du prix qu'il avait prévu et l'homme voulu une livraison régulière de l'hydromel pour commencer.
Au cours des trois prochains mois, les marins appelèrent la jeune fille  "jorno", après qu'un poisson ait été trouvé loin de la terre, un poisson qui semblait voler le long de l'écume des vagues. "jorno" resta à bord. Le navire voyaga le long de la côte, pour la vente d'hydromel dans toute la région. Il n'y avait plus d'accidents sur le bateau, pas de nourriture avariée ou de cargaison, et l'équipage fut le plus heureux sur les mers. Lucias fut satisfait et ne parla plus jamais de livrer la jeune fille. "Danceur d'écume" avait sa fille de chance et la bonne fortune lui sourit à partir de ce moment là.

Ps: Ce n'est pas une de mes histoires, elle m'a été raconté par une esclave que j'avais dans le passé.

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5 mars 2010 5 05 /03 /mars /2010 14:06
Her blue azure eyes were throwing lightnings all over Angel, she had been hunted down, her..a Huntress...but she known the risk and was far from the woods, why?
It seemed that her destiny had been writed  and priest kings decided that she would be in Angel's hands for a time as he was observing her, yet her body tied fully.
She was a beauty, a wild beauty, one that he had heard about, as all around Gor it is know by the Free men that panthers girls made exquisite and wonderful kajira, once tamed. His eyes was not leaving her like captivated by her, she was proud, rebel and dangerous, he could see that she was untamed and had a strong will. Her body was gorgeous, a beautiful tanned skin marked with some tribal marks, maybe her sisters was searching for her, but this he was doubting of it, as a panther girl captured is left alone to her fate, these wild females not often going out of their woods, knowing well enough the risks and prize to pay if captured....
She was his, he known it as he spotted her sneaking out of the high herbs, he understood it as soon he saw her approaching, she had been sent to him, and would remains at his feet, no matter how long it would take to show her the path she had lost.
He took her to his room, all tied, like a precious possession that he wanted to hold in security and unable to be accessed. But he known too well that he couldn't trust anything of her, being aware by his past experiences of panthers girl's tricks, she would use them for sure to attempt to escape and recover her freedom.
He didn't used of violence, him...the Pirate, the outlaw, one sort of men considered by most as to kill on sight if captured. He was observing her, and deep inside knowing she was special to him, that he wouldn't damage her as she was too precious to him, but in the same time couldn't show her his feelings, he wanted her and he wanted her at his feet forever..
He had to be firm, he had to not let her see through his heart, not yet, it would be his most great mistake to reveal her his weakness, and know such female would use it against him.
He was standing over her, his wild beauty laying and holding silence, secret and in the same time such expressive with her gaze, he could read in her, she was angry and dangerous, she was like a trapped beast ready to jump and kill at first weak signs of her captor.
He decided to show her who was in charge and who was to rule, as he took his dagger and crouching next to her, ripped off all the furs she was wearing, and protecting her body from his eyes. Taking off her unique armor as he known he was taking off the unique protection she had, and a symbol , the unique symbol of her freedom.
Taking all her possession, and throwing them on side, he could see in her magnificent eyes that he had striked hard but yet she was fighting and know that she wouldn't let him earn her so easily.
Their gaze was not leaving each others, the panther girl and the vagabond, two will, two heavy strength that was confronting in a silent battle where Angel was determinate to not let her win.
He caressed her body softly, his hands were caring as he was feeling the soft skin marked by long years of errancy in the woods, but for him, it was giving her more value, she was desirable and desired....
He stopped as he saw she was observing him, he didn't wanted to show his weakness and in a quick and sudden movement, broked this troublant instant as he catched the collar he was holding attached to his side, opening it wide and grabbing her long and magnificent blond hairs, forcing her head on back in a firm grip, before to slide the collar around her neck, shutting it closed, the lock sounding in the quiet room, sealing her fate! She was His!!
Their gaze were meeting once again, he and she known at this right moment who had the control, a control that yet had to remain strong and constant, but Angel was definitely determinate and would never let her waste herself in the wild.
Her blue azure eyes was defiant still, even if she just known deep inside that she had lost her freedom...But not her will...and this she was showing it clearly, arrogant and fierce in her silence.
Angel known about this perfectly, he had to earn her heart and brake her anger and hostile mind, but his heart was ready for such battle and he would give a fight for her with all his heart.
He stood and brought some cuffs and chains, securing her to his room slave post and finally sliced her rope binds, as he walked his path to let her rest alone, and reaching the entrance, turned a last time to watch her, his beauty, his wild panther, his fire...
"By this day, you will answer the name of wild, mine..."


Ses yeux couleur bleu azure lançaient des éclairs foudroyant vers Angel, elle avait été chassé et capturé, elle la chasseresse...mais elle connaissait les risques et s'était aventuré loin des bois, pourquoi?

Il semblait que son destin avait été écrit, et que les prêtres roi avaient décidé de la confier aux mains d'Angel pour un temps, alors qu'il l'observait, son corps toujours attaché et gisant sur le sol.

Elle était d'une grande beauté, une beauté sauvage, une de ces femmes dont il avait entendu parlé et que tout goréen connait sous le nom de "Femme Panthère", faisant d'exquises et magnifiques kajira une fois domptés.

Il ne la quittait pas du regard comme captivé, elle était fière, rebelle et dangereuse, il pouvait lire en elle son insoumission et sa volonté puissante. Son corps était sublime, une peau mate marqué par des tatoos tribaux....Peut être ses sœurs étaient sur ses traces et la cherchait, mais il doutait de cela, sachant que rarement l'une d'entre elle se risquerait hors des bois, laissant les captives à leur sort, elles connaissaient suffisamment bien les risques et le coup d'être capturé....


Elle lui appartenait maintenant, il le savait au moment où il l'aperçu sortant des hautes herbes, elle lui avait été envoyé et resterait à ses pieds, peu importe le temps que cela prendrai pour lui montrer la voie dont elle s'était écarté.

Il l'amena jusqu'a ses quartiers, encore attaché, tel un joyau précieux qu'il voulait protéger, le rendant inaccessible. Il savait trop bien qu'il ne pourrait lui faire confiance, étant conscient par ses expérience passé des ruses de panthères, elle les utiliserait surement pour essayer de s'échapper et regagner sa liberté.

Il n'utilisa pas la violence, lui....Un Pirate, un hors la loi, cette catégorie d'homme considéré par la grande majorité des goréen, à tuer à vue si capturé. Il l'observait, et pouvait sentir au fond de lui qu'elle lui était spéciale, il ne voulait pas la blesser, trop précieuse à ses yeux, mais il savait qu'il ne pouvait laissait paraitre ce sentiment, il la voulait, et il la voulait à ses pieds pour toujours....

Il lui fallait être ferme, il ne fallait pas qu'il lui laisse voir ce qu'il ressentait pour elle, pas encore, cela serait sa plus grande erreur, révéler sa faiblesse....Une femme si sauvage l'utiliserai contre lui.


Il se tenait au dessus d'elle, sa beauté sauvage allongé en silence, secrète et pourtant tellement expressive par son regard; Il pouvait lire en elle, elle était en colère et dangereuse, tel une bête piégé et prête à bondir sur son chasseur au moindre signe de faiblesse.

Il décida alors de lui montrait qui était le maître et tenait la situation en main, prenant sa dague et s'accroupissant à ses cotés, découpant les quelques fourrures qui la couvrait, et la protégeait de son regard. Prenant ainsi sa seule protection, et plus que cela, un symbole, celui de sa liberté.

Il prit toutes ses possessions et les jeta au loin, il pouvait lire dans ses yeux magnifique qu'il lui avait porté un coup fort, mais toujours elle se défendait et savait qu'elle ne lui laisserai pas la gagner aussi simplement.

Leurs regards ne se quittaient plus maintenant, la Femme Panthère et le Vagabond, deux volontés d’une grande force s'affrontant dans une bataille silencieuse qu'Angel était déterminé de ne pas lui laisser gagner.

Il caressa son corps doucement, ses mains étaient attentionnés alors qu'il sentait la douce peau marqué çà et là par des années d'errance dans les bois, ce qui à ses yeux lui donnait encore plus de valeur, elle était désirable et il la désirait...

Il s'arrêta, apercevant qu'elle l'observait, ne voulant pas lui montrer sa faiblesse pour elle et dans un rapide mouvement soudain, cassant cet instant troublant, il se saisi du collier de métal qu'il portait à sa ceinture, l'ouvrant sèchement avant de se saisir, d'une ferme poigne, de sa sublime chevelure blonde, forçant sa tête en arrière pour découvrir son cou. Il plaça alors son collier, le refermant tandis que la serrure fit un bruit distinct dans la pièce silencieuse, scellant son destin! Elle lui appartenait!


Leurs regard se croisèrent encore une fois, elle et lui savaient à cet instant précis qui avait le control, un control encore fragile et qui devrait rester puissant et constant, et Angel était déterminé et ne la laisserai plus jamais se perdre dans les bois, sauvage.

Ses yeux bleu azure étaient toujours défiant, même si au fond d'elle, elle savait qu'elle venait de perdre sa liberté...mais pas sa volonté...et elle le lui montrait clairement, arrogante et fier dans son silence.

Angel le savait parfaitement, il lui faudrait gagner son cœur et apaiser cette colère et animosité, mais il était prêt, son cœur lui donnerait la force nécessaire pour remporter cette bataille, avec toute son âme.

Il se lava et apporta des chaines et menottes, l'attachant avec sécurité a l'attache pour esclave de ses quartiers et, finalement retira ses liens avant de s'éloigner, la laissant seule.

Atteignant l'entrée, il se tourna, regardant sa beauté, sa Femme Panthère sauvage, son feu....

"En ce jour, tu répondras au nom de: wild, mienne...."

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3 mars 2010 3 03 /03 /mars /2010 14:27
These words are not mine, i will here copy and Paste definitions that i found in Second life Gor which i am founding correct to describe Gorean philosophy

1) Gor is a man's dominion.  His Home Stone, His place of living is first and foremost, followed by His Caste/Clan, that which He does for a living.  He takes great pride in both and, if need be, will defend each to His death.   All free men are addressed by a slave or even a man of lower caste, as Master. (Lower castes are any outside: Initiate, Builder, Warrior, Physician and Scribe.)

2) All woman are weaker and most are submissive to men; the vast majority are FREE and are respected.  She is the epitome of propriety and decorum.  It is said that the Free Woman, answering to Her family or companion, as to Her comings and goings, has less freedom than a slave does.

A Free Woman walks a fine line within Her Home Stone and although a man may deign to allow Her to be mouthy and disrespectful to Her Free Companion, He can reduce Her as easily to slavery.  Not all Free Women practice a "trade" or are of a Caste. Some have run-away from Their homes and families and are vagabonds.  These women are defined as a she-urt.

Some who have run away from their families or a possible unwanted companionship, take to the forests of Gor, living as a Panther Girl or a Taluna (jungle dwelling, south near Schendi).  They enslave men who enter Their territory; They hate women who are not like them; and, what They despise most, are slaves.  All Free Women are addressed by a slave as Mistress. I have seen Panthers called Huntress and Outlaws and Thieves called Lady. Mistress is best until otherwise instructed.

3) The Free of Gor can be outlaws: a person without a Home Stone or Caste.  They denounce both and live outside and away from those who do hold the Home Stone and Caste in high regard. Lawful Gorean Free do not permit the presence of Outlaws and will, generally, if caught within the walls of their city, impale or enslave them.

4) On the other hand a slave is only an animal, property, something owned and is valued as such.  All slaves are taught and expected to be pleasing, to obey, and to be exquisitely beautiful.  They are subject to expressing such behavior to all free, not just the one that owns them and can traditionally be disciplined by any Free person.

5) A woman's station in life, be it freedom in status or freedom within the collar, is never considered a gift given to a man.  Although each, free and slave, in their own way, are prized and of great value to men, their station in life, if anything, is the gift of the man to the woman, where he sees her, where he wants her, at his side, or, at his feet.


1) Gor est un monde sous domination masculine. La pierre de foyer, le lieu de vie passent en premier avant tout, suivie de sa caste / Clan, ce qu'Il fait dans la vie. Il en est très fier et, le cas échéant, les défendra jusqu'a la mort si nécéssaire. Tous les hommes libres sont appelés par un esclave ou même un homme de caste inférieure, en tant que Maître. (Les castes inférieures sont celles en dehors des: Initiés, Batisseurs, Guerriers, médecins et Scribes.)

2) toutes les femmes sont plus faibles et la plupart sont soumises aux hommes, la grande majorité sont libres et sont respectés. Elle est la quintessence de la bienséance et le décorum. Il est dit que la femme libre, répondant à sa famille ou compagnon, quant à ses allées et venues, a moins de liberté que l'esclave n'en a.

Une femme libre, marche sur une ligne étroite au sein de sa pierre de foyer et même si un homme daigne lui permettre d'être arrogante et irrespectueux envers son libre compagnon, il peut tout aussi facilement la réduire en esclavage. Toutes les femmes ne possede pas une activitée «commerciale» ou une caste. Certaines ont fuient leur foyer et famille devenant des vagabondes. Ces femmes sont appelées: She-Urt.

Certaines de ceux qui se sont enfuis de leur famille ou d'un compagnon non désirable se sont réfugiées dans les forêts de Gor, vivant comme une femme Panther ou une Taluna (Habitant la jungle, au sud, près de Schendi). Elles asservissent les hommes qui entrent sur leur territoire, et détestent les femmes qui ne sont pas comme elles.
Ce qu'elles méprisent le plus, étant les esclaves. Toutes les femmes libres sont adressés par un esclave comme "Maîtresse". J'ai vu des Panthers appelées "chasseresse" et des Hors la loi et Voleuses appelé Lady.
Maîtresse est le mieux approprié jusqu'à avis contraire.

3)Les libres de Gor peuvent être hors la loi: une personne sans pierre de foyer ou de caste. Ils dénoncent les deux et vivent à l'extérieur et à l'écart de ceux qui  tiennent la pierre de foyer et la caste en haute estime.
Les Goréens libres respectant les lois ne permetent pas la présence d'hors la loi et, en général, s'ils sont attrapées dans l'enceinte d'une cité, il finissent généralement empalés ou en esclavage

4) D'un autre coté, un esclave n'est qu'un animal, une propriété, quelque chose de possédé et apprécié en tant que tel. Tous les esclaves recoivent un enseignement et l'on attend d'eux qu'ils soient agréables, obeissant, et d'être d'une exquise beauté.
Ils sont soumis à l'expression de ce genre de comportement aupres de  tous les libres et pas uniquement  à celui qui les possède, et peuvent être disciplinée par toute personne libre..

5) Le status d'une femme dans sa vie, que ce soit en tant que femme libre ou libre au travers d'un collier, n'est jamais considéré comme un cadeau donné à un homme. Bien que chacun, libres et esclaves, à leur manière, sont prisées et d'une grande valeur pour les hommes, leur position dans la vie, si quelque chose, est le don de l'homme à la femme, où il la voit, où il la veut, au son côté, ou, à ses pieds.
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1 mars 2010 1 01 /03 /mars /2010 03:32
Here i will count you a story i heard from a kajira mine, a very deep story.

Once there was a kajira who was so lazy she hardly ever did any work. She left her chores for her chain sisters to do and spent all her time sitting by a window watching the people walking around the market in the square outside. Sometimes she would decide to do some simple chore, and as luck would have it that was the moment that her Master would walk into the room. It seemed that the girl had a charmed life, for when her Master came home her two sisters would be taking a short rest from their labours and the lazy kajira would be the only one who seemed to be working. The Master would chastise the two kajirae for letting the lazy girl do all the work. It was not their place to argue so they accepted their reprimand in silence, but they began to hate their lazy sister.
It seemed that the lazy girl got away with anything; she became the Master’s favourite because he was sure she was the only one of his girls who worked hard around his house. But because she was so lazy, she never learnt anything; she never practiced her serves because the Master made the other two do it as he thought they had been doing nothing all day; she never learnt to cook because she was too lazy and let her sisters do it all; she never even knew where things were stored in the house because she never tidied them away. She thought she was clever to get away with doing so little, but she was foolish and her sisters knew that one day she would be caught out. They longer for that day as they believed they were treated unfairly. Sure enough the day came.
One day their Master came home and as usual the lazy kajira was working and her sisters were sitting in the kitchen discussing what they needed to buy from the butcher. The Master called them all together and told them that he had lost some money in a gambling debt and had to sell two of them so he could pay off what he owed. He picked the two hard-working kajirae because he thought them the lazy ones.
The following morning he took the two girls to the slave auction and put them up for sale. They brought a good price and their new Masters were very pleased with them. The Master paid off his debt and came home that evening with a small profit which he was quite happy about. The moment he entered the house he knew something was amiss. There was no smell of cooking coming from the kitchen, and the lounge was still as he had left it that morning, the fire was out and his empty blackwine mug was left on the table.
He went into the kitchen to look for the girl. It was empty and the dishes were still dirty and unwashed. The oven was out and the firewood basket was empty. He began to get worried, thinking something dreadful had happened to his kajira. He searched the house franticly, rushing from room to room. Each room he entered had not been tidied or dusted. All the fires in the house were out and no firewood had been brought in for them. At last he found the girl, lying on a pile of cushions in his bedroom, her back toward him, facing the wide window. He rushed over to her, thinking she was ill. But when he reached her he realised she had fallen asleep while watching the hustle and bustle in the square below.
He shook her awake and asked her if she was ill. But he knew at once what had happened, she had been too lazy to do anything all day long. Now he realised the truth, it was the other kajirae who had done all the work. He had been fooled. He took the girl by the wrist and dragged her to the kitchen, where she curled up on the floor. He took off his belt and for the first time thrashed her soundly. Then he ordered her to clean the kitchen, bring in the wood and light all the fires, and then clean the whole house from top to bottom. He stormed out and went to the nearby tavern to get a good meal.
When he returned late that night, he found the house in hardly any better state. The girl had done almost nothing. He was so angry that he shouted for the kajira to come to him. She hurried in and knelt meekly before him. There was no doubt she was a beautiful girl, but he was in no mood to appreciate her looks. He grabbed her by the hair and dragged her outside into the woodshed and placed a noose about her neck. He bound her hands and tied her to a post. He left her there, in the dirt, the cold and the rain all night long.
The next morning her led her to the auctions and sold her. Instead he bought a new kajira, and this one was hard-working and by the end of the hand, the Master had a clean house and a good meal to come home to every day. As for the lazy kajira, she was bought and sold many times; bought for her beauty, but sold because of her laziness


Il y'avait une kajira qui était si paresseuse qu'elle n'executait presque jamais aucunes corvées quelconques. Elle quittait ses corvées pour laisser ses sœurs de chaîne les faire, et passait tout son temps assise près d'une fenêtre à regarder les gens qui marchaient autour du marché à l'extérieur. Parfois, elle décidait de faire quelques tâches simple, et comme par hasard, c'était souvent, par chance, au moment où son maître se promenait dans la pièce. Il semblait que la jeune fille avait une chance certaine, car lorsque son maître revenait chez lui, souvent il s'agissait du moment où ses deux sœurs de chaine prenaient un court repos de leurs corvées, et ainsi la kajira paresseux etait la seule qui semblait travailler. Le Maître châtiait alors les deux kajirae pour avoir laisser leur soeur paresseuse faire tout le travail. Il n'y avait pas lieu d'argumenter et elles acceptaient les réprimandes en silence, mais elles commencaient à haïr leur soeur paresseuse.
Il sembla que la kajira paresseuse s'en tira avec rien, elle devenue la préférée de son Maître parce qu'il était sûr qu'elle était la seule de ses filles à travailler dur dans de sa maison. Mais parce qu'elle était si paresseuse, elle n'avait jamais rien apprit, elle n'avait jamais pratiqué ses services car le Maître demandait aux deux autres de les fairent, comme il pensait qu'elles n'avaient rien fait de toute la journée.
Elle n'appris jamais à cuisiner parce qu'elle était trop paresseuse et laissait ses sœurs tout faire; Elle ne savait même pas où les choses etaient stockés dans la maison parce qu'elle ne les mettaient jamais en ordre. Elle pensait qu'elle était habile de s'en tirer en faisant si peu, mais elle était folle et ses sœurs savaient qu'un jour elle serait prise en défaut. Elles esperaient pour que ce jour arrive, car elles s'estimaient traités injustement...
Effectivement le jour venu....
Un jour, leur maître rentra et comme d'habitude la kajira paresseuse travaillait et ses sœurs étaient assisent dans la cuisine, à discuter de ce dont elles avaient besoin d'acheter chez le boucher. Le maître les appela toutes et leur dit qu'il avait perdu de l'argent dans une dette de jeu et devait vendre deux d'entre elles pour qu'il puisse rembourser ce qu'il devait. Il choisi les deux kajirae les plus travailleuses car il les jugeait paresseuses.
Le lendemain matin, il ammena les deux jeunes filles à la vente aux enchères d'esclaves et les mis en vente. elles lui rapportère un bon prix et leurs nouveaux maîtres étaient très heureux avec elles.
Le Maître remboursa sa dette et rentra le soir avec un petit bénéfice dont il était assez heureux. Au moment où il entra dans la maison, il savait que quelque chose n'allait pas. Il n'y avait aucune odeur de cuisine venant de la cuisine et le salon était encore, comme il l'avait laissé le matin, le feu était éteint et sa chope de vin noir, vide, laissé sur la table.
Il entra dans la cuisine pour chercher la kajira. Elle était vide et les plats étaient toujours sale et mal lavés. Le four était éteint et le panier à bois était vide. Il commenca à s'inquieter, en pensant que quelque chose de terrible était arrivé à sa kajira. Il fouilla la maison frénétiquement, courant de chambre en chambre. Chaques chambres où il entra n'avait pas été mise en ordre ou dépoussiérés. Tous les feux dans la maison étaient eteint et pas de bois avaient été amenés pour eux. Enfin, il trouva la kajira, couché sur une pile de coussins dans sa chambre, le dos vers lui, face à la large fenêtre. Il se précipita vers elle, pensant qu'elle était malade. Mais quand il arriva à elle, il se rendit compte qu'elle s'était endormie en regardant l'agitation sur le marché, dessous.
Il la secoua pour la réveiller et lui demanda si elle était malade. Mais il su tout de suite ce qui s'était passé, elle avait été trop paresseuse pour faire quoi que ce soit de toute la journée. Maintenant il réalisait la vérité, c'était les autres kajirae qui faisaient tout le travail. Il avait été dupé. Il prit la jeune fille par le poignet et la traîna dans la cuisine, où elle se roula en boule sur le plancher. Il ôta sa ceinture et pour la première fois il l'a battu puissement. Puis il lui ordonna de nettoyer la cuisine, d'amener du bois et d'allumer tous les feux, puis de nettoyer la maison tout entière, de haut en bas. Il claqua la porte et alla à la taverne la plus proche pour obtenir un bon repas.
Quand il rentra tard le soir, il trouva la maison à peine en meilleur état. La kajira n'avait pratiquement rien fait. Il était tellement en colère qu'il cria à la kajira de venir à lui. Elle se précipita à l'intérieur et se mit à genoux humblement devant lui. Il n'y avait aucun doute, elle était une belle fille, mais il n'était pas d'humeur à apprécier sa beauté. Il l'empoigna par les cheveux et la traîna dehors, dans le hangar à bois et placa un nœud coulant autour de son cou. Il lui lia les mains et l'attacha à un poteau; la laissant là, dans la saleté, le froid et la pluie, toute la nuit.
Le lendemain matin, il l'a conduisit aux ventes aux enchères et la vendit. il acheta une nouvelle kajira; celle-ci était travailleuse jusqu'au bout des doigts, le Maître avait une maison propre et un bon repas quand il rentrait chez lui tous les jours.
Quant à la kajira paresseuse, elle fut acheté et vendu plusieurs fois; acheté pour sa beauté, mais vendu en raison de sa paresse.
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25 février 2010 4 25 /02 /février /2010 15:32
This was a sunny morning, and the sunrays were reflecting on the river, shining and covering the water surface of thousands sparkles. The camp was still sleepy and Angel was standing on top of it, surveying the area with his brown green eyes, looking for any suspect movements that could reveal a possible threat for the camp and its pirates.
Argentum was quiet, no sound from the city was coming out of it, all was peacefull in this beautifull day, such days Goreans would spend time to walk around the local woods and enjoy the nature and its life.
Angel decided after a moment standing on top of the hill, to go scout the city and it area around, He do not forgeted that even if he was now back to an outlaw's life, he was friendly to the city and had defended it and its habitants when he was a mercenary.
Walking all the path down the hill, Angel took time to use the bathing tube, washing his body and feeling the fresh light air licking his face and body before to jump off the thub, quickly drying with a towel. As he was equiping back his clothes, his attention got catched by some sounds around the area.
Wearing back his boots faster, he jumped on his feet, ready to go check what was making birds flying around in panic.
Scouting out of the camp, knowing well the area, Angel hided behind a small hill and waited patiently for long ehns (minutes) before to finally see some light movements on distance, something through the high herbs was moving, closer and closer.
His eyes followed the High herbs till finally, steping off them, appeared a female, one of those living in the woods and hunting game and occasionally intruders that would dare to step in their territory, being some sort of very territorial females.
She was beautifull, her long blond curled hairs were shining like gold as sunrays was caressing them, long legs and a beautifull tanned skin, her body was perfect and her beauty simply stunning...
Angel was looking her, she was standing on a hill and visibly hunting, searching for a prey or maybe already tracking one...
He observed her patiently and quietly, as she were slowly steping in his direction....He could see her face details as she was slowly coming in his direction, deep blue eyes searching for something...Did she had felt his presence....Was he the one she were tracking or hunting..
Angel knowing such females, as he had been for several hands (months) being a lone hunter in the wild, hunting and attacking isolated travelers and Panthers, capturing and selling them to his own profit.
Knowing that the confrontation now was unavoidable, and that such fierce female wouldnt let him a single chance as she had to capture or be captured, Angel decide to attack her as soon she was close enough to do not miss his prey.
It was intense, the panther surprised, fighted for her freedom till exhausted and wounded she felt under Angel's attacks not without giving him a harsh and violent battle...his body left marked by her arrows.
He quickly managed to remove her weapons, paying attention to search her carefully while she were laying unconscious, and reached his side where were attached some lengths of rope, managing to tie her anckles first so she may not be able to run if waking up, and then pulled her arms on her back and crossing her wrists together, rolled the rope tightly around and secured her bind with a tight capture knot, making sure his beautifull prey couldnt ever remove her binds.
He then in haste draged her to his camp, knowing that maybe this panther could be a scout sent by her tribe, closing her in his room where she would learn slowly but surely her fate with time.
She was a lone panther girl, until she met Angel....
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24 février 2010 3 24 /02 /février /2010 14:24

It was a sunny day, the sound and smell of Thassa was filling the air and Angel was there on that sand beach, alone, half naked and without anything left after the wreckage of the ship he was traveling on.
Some light wounds but nothing serious, and the hunger growing every ihns....He was alone, and in a weak position, such position that lead you faster to death in this harsh world where even the nature is deadly to humans...
The wild beasts would easily enjoy his body if they would find him, so Angel started to search for some for of civilization around that place he woke up, before to find a campment wich visibly was empty but not unhabited, only its habitants being away...
He quickly decide to steal the minimum vital, clothes, boots, a sword and a bow, some food and water, before to leave in haste the campment, knowing perfectly about the consequence of his act if he would be catched.
Days and Days of walk led him to the city of Argentum where he got attacked by the local Mercenaries, defending the city from strangers and outlaws....
An outlaw....that was what he was, no more memory of his past, no more homestone, nothing....but these few clothes and weapons he had stoled in this camp....Yes, an outlaw, that was all he was now and these mercenaries was determinated to get rid of such sort of men....
After a fierce fight to defend himself, Angel, outnumbered and wounded, finally falled under the attacks of the Mercenaries, wich impressed to have seen a lone man resist so many of them, decided after a temp caging him, to invite him to join their camp...
A home...a camp....a city do defend...and the company of men and women that would consider him no more as an outlaw but as a Brother...
This was an offer he couldnt refuse and would not have anyway been able to refuse as in other hand, his fate as an outlaw would be quite simple...death or slavery!
Angel then joined that band of mercenaries in Argentum known as "The Bones Mercs". A new life, a new status, a new home....But still nothing from his past he could recall...
He though he was at home, but soon enough he realized and been clearly stated that he was nothing but an outlaw that had escaped the chains and collar, being threatened by some of the camp mercs for being of a wild temper untamable and not bowing under some arrogant Commander's lieutenants.
Angel didnt took long before to decide to leave this mercenary camp where he felt he would come to kill some of them in short time, not wishing to be an assassin....
He didnt goes too far, Argentum being friendly city to him and the citizen appreciating him for his honesty and skills with sword and bow. He found while scouting the land around Argentum, a small camp, near the Vosk river, where he got offered a place and a rank, with respect and trust, honor and gold....He had found his fate and became a Blackskulls Pirate, to soon reach the position of 2nd Commander, with his Brother Crash as Leader.
A lots happened.....but these are others tales of Darkangel.....
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23 février 2010 2 23 /02 /février /2010 18:47
The earth man, Elric

One day while hunting in the Northern woods of Gor, Angel found on his way a Bondmaid (slave) he known from some of his past travels and had already met several times. Curious to see her roaming alone in the dangerous woods, he stoped by her and started to speak.

[4:39]  Darkangel: Tal Bond (a bond being the term used to call a slave in the North part of Gor)
[4:39]  bondmaid: tal Jarl (Jarl is the name used to call a Master in the North of Gor)
[4:40]  Darkangel: Yes i feel much better *grins*
[4:40]  bondmaid: smiles
[4:40]  bondmaid: glad to see you up and around and doing so much better Jarl
[4:40]  Darkangel: Still roaming around, alone, Bond?
[4:40]  bondmaid: I do that a lot Jarl
[4:41]  bondmaid: but atleast I am not being something I'm not or lying Jarl
[4:41]  bondmaid: that was ugly, forgive me Jarl
[4:41]  Darkangel: i understand, want to walk a little in the woods?
[4:41]  bondmaid: if you wish Jarl
[4:42]  Darkangel: Fine, follow me
[4:43]  bondmaid: that was rude of me to say Jarl
[4:44]  Darkangel : hmm this is a good spot to check around what is coming. *he look around faster and see no hostile presence then look back to her* "That was rude for the one that own you, Bond."
[4:45]  bondmaid: but I am a slave and I act like one I know what I am, and it's a little hard for me to kneel and call people Mistress when a week ago they were on their knees with me and had been for months Jarl
[4:46]  Darkangel : Well i can understand totally, i m going to tell you a story i know from a man i ve been crossing path
[4:47]  Darkangel sit and take a glance all around before to continue
[4:48]  bondmaid: is sad the Jarls lie, and the slaves have bows Jarl
[4:48]  Darkangel : Well This man was brought from Earth by the priests kings for some reasons that are of their will and been left in middle of Aria plains, alone, in place wild and woody place
elric 001
[4:49]  Darkangel : After trying to find his way to the closest city, he found on his way a panther that chased and captured him
[4:50]  Darkangel : He has been living almost 1 month in that panther tribe where he met a slave girl wich naturally became his Camp "Sisters"
[4:51]  Darkangel : One day the Panthers never came back and he found himself alone for moons
[4:51]  Darkangel smiles at her and caress her right cheek softly "i survey, Jade"
[4:51]  bondmaid smiles
[4:52]  bondmaid: what did he do Jarl
[4:52]  Darkangel : So after waiting several nights he decided to take his life in his hands, again, and to walk out in that dangerous and harsh world he known now to be called Gor
[4:54]  Darkangel : He spend days and days walking without to know where to go, sleeping in the day and walking at night carefully, and made with the priest kings will, his way to some Harbors where he found a group of Mercenaries and joined them.
[4:55]  Darkangel : He then growed slowly as a new gorean man, but still was a earth man at heart
[4:56]  Darkangel : one day, he was on a travel and on a scouting for his Camp, he stoped by a Jungle where he got surprised to find the one that has been his Camp Sister, he was so happy and reacted like a brother to her immediatly, taking her in his arms and holding her there with so much happyness
[4:57]  Darkangel : She told him that she has been found in the camp by her previous Mistress wish was living in this time in Lake Shaba Jungle, and that she were living with her
[4:59]  Darkangel : She told him she was afraid cause men were coming often to Raid their camp located in some Ruins, and that she had not seen her mitress for last past few days and was afraid
[5:00]  bondmaid: did he take her with him Jarl
[5:00]  Darkangel : The man known that she was a Property and that you can t touch a property, and only been able to offer his previous camp sister, the opportunity to take her times to times at his camp when she would be alone without her Mistress to protect her
[5:01]  Darkangel : By this time, he had never been a "Master", he was called such, but he was just....an Earth Man wich was fighting to survive in this harsh world called Gor
[5:02]  Darkangel : For him that Girl represented, his past and his Slavery, she was his sister and was acting like a brother to her
[5:03]  Darkangel : She came few times, but everytime she was staying more longer, then one day while they was discussing, sitting under tents near the river, she told him she had something to tell him

As he was speaking to the bondmaid, suddenly some panther girls surprised them and approached.
[5:04]  bondmaid: greetings Huntresses
[5:04]  Panther 1: Tal girl
[5:04]  Panther 2 chuckles
[5:04]  Panther 1 grins
[5:05]  Darkangel : i think i saw a larl runnning to the SW
[5:05]  Darkangel  point in that direction he just named
[5:05]  Panther 2: be well male
[5:05]  Darkangel : Be well Females and good hunting
[5:05]  Panther 2: come sis
[5:05]  Panther 1: safe paths all

It seem that day, the panther girls were not hunting for a slave, and was after another sort of beast.
[5:06]  Darkangel  turn back his attention to the bond and smiles "What i was saying?"
[5:06]  bondmaid: what did she have to tell him Jarl
[5:06]  Darkangel : Ha yes!
[5:08]  Darkangel : Well, this day on the harbors, under that tent, it was the evening and sun was slowly going down, the daylight was turning red and there was a fresh and cool air coming from the sea not far. Birds used to sing around and there was a scent of talendar coming from some fields close to  the place they were siting
[5:10]  Darkangel : He was laying there on pillows, resting with her, his sister, and discussing about her and her life in the Jungle, and her mistress. He was caring for her, he wanted to know if she was safe and happy there
[5:11]  Darkangel : She then come to tell him something that brought him a deep and fearfull feeling, one of this feeling that cut your oxygene, leaving you mute and unable to speak
[5:13]  bondmaid listens
[5:13]  Darkangel : She raised her arms and crossed her wrists in front of him , head lowered and spoke to him, revealing what she had always feel since this day she met him in that panther camp, that he was the one she wanted to Submit. The one that would be her Master, that she will serve with heart and soul, her True Master.
[5:15]  Darkangel : He had never been a Master....in his mind he was a man, simple, and trying to survive, being helpfull to those he considered his "Friends", nothing was preparing him to that situation...he was almost trembling from the sudden request and the truth that been spoked and that never he would have imaginated.
[5:18]  Darkangel : He was afraid, a fear that leave you totally lost in your mind and soul. He stayed a long moment pondering, without speaking, his sister in front of him in her submission pose, both were holding silence as the situation as come from a peacefull and pleasant one, to a stressfull and fearfull one.
[5:20]  Darkangel : He told her he never been a Master and couldn t even think yet about having a ...slave.... he was shocked by this word and was looking at her with compassion, pain and sadness for he was a  earth man and wasnt understanding gorean slavery.
[5:20]  bondmaid: a true slave knows if a man has a Masters heart Jarl
[5:22]  Darkangel : But he couldn t leave her alone, her mistress disappeared and she was left in middle of the Tribe with Talunas very hostile to her. He know all this and to protect her and hold her next to him, he accepted her submission.He was lost in middle of that world, one he wasnt understanding, and she came to him, offering herself and her knowledge...He decided to call her sunray.
[5:23]  Darkangel : They lived together in that Mercenary camp and been forced to once again find a new home after the camp disbanded, she was kind and attentionned, telling him stories of Gor, he loved these moments where he was discovering Gor and its tales!
[5:24]  Darkangel : She was slowly and wisely teaching him.....to be a Master, a Gorean Master.
[5:25]  Darkangel : She was his sunray in middle of all that darkness, and she led his path to the city of Tetrapoli. Such long path since he was a slave, before to become a mercenary, and finally a Fierce Warrior of Tetrapoli.
homestone 002
[5:27]  Darkangel : He pressed his hand on the homestone and devoted his life to protect it, being reconized by the red Caste and all his Brothers present. His girl wasn t allowed to be there, but she was there in his heart and soul, such long way being done, and such a greet support she had been to him, always there and attentionned..
[5:28]  Darkangel : They lived in Tetrapoli for long time, and she made of him a fierce and wise Master...
[5:29]  Darkangel looks away in the woods and loose his mind a moment, looking in the far distance
[5:30]  Darkangel : The Warrior one day got sick and disappeared for ever, releasing his attentioned and beloved Kajira. She, in pain, walked her way....and he never had to be seen anymore on Gor.
[5:33]  Darkangel : This man wasnt a free man, he was chained, by his earth life
[5:35]  Darkangel : This man had a simple earth man life till he got brought on Gor by Priests kings will, he lived there, he learnt things he could never have ever imagined, then he got brought back to earth harshly, where he found his earth life being killing him but never would he forget his girl...sunray...
[5:42]  Darkangel : Gor is harsh, gor is great joy, great pains at a level none can imagine, but the gorean in heart
[6:01]  Darkangel smiles softly and raise up on his feet. then offer her a tender and soft caress on her hair.
[6:07]  bondmaid smiles, the brat should wander and the Master should go shoot something, giggles
[6:07]  Darkangel  smiles at her words and caress her right cheek softly
[6:08]  Darkangel : Aye the "Master" go hunt
[6:08]  bondmaid boldly , moves and kisses his cheek and whispers" thank you Master"
[6:09]  bondmaid: you don't have to hunt Master the pray will come to you
[6:10]  bondmaid: so many have lost the beauty of Gor Master
[6:10]  Darkangel  smiles at her and looks a last time the bond in her green eyes, smiling softy and turning to leave
[6:11]  bondmaid: wishes you well Master, and will find your arms when needed
[6:11]  Darkangel  smiles and nods, then run away "Wish you well, bondmaid"
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23 février 2010 2 23 /02 /février /2010 15:36

Gor is a Planete almost similar as earth, could be considered as a twin planete, and located on the absolute similar position of earth but behind the sun, and having the same rotation cycle and speed around it, wich made this planete being completly invisible to the earth men vision.
Gor is a planete ruled by an Extra Terrestre life form called "The Priest Kings" wich is a specie that could be comparated to a Giant Ant with an extremly advanced Technology they use to control the Univers.
Yoko stuno les titans
The Priest Kings originally captured humans from earth and transported them into that planete called Gor, where they left them to create a new life and society based on the law of the stronger and where women are ruled by men, being forced in some sort of submissiveness if they don t want to end into slavery.
The Priest Kings limited the military technology on Gor, to basic medieval weapons like blades and bows, swords being the most commonly used weapon. Any attempt to work on advanced technology by the humans would result in their total destruction by the Priest King, creators included. But The Priest Kings allowed humans an advanced medecine technology wich come to a point where humans living on Gor are mostly immunised to sickness and time damages wich don t mean they are immortals at all, gor being a harsh world where war between cities are extremly crual and deadly, only the stronger surviving, the winners of a battle often killing the defeated men and keeping the women to enslave them.
The gorean society is extremly codified, and ruled by caste system of different degrees, wich follows and elect an administrator to rule their cities.
Although women been ruled by men laws, there are some women administrators around Gor, and even it been seen women domination in some very specific cities of Gor. Some women do not always accept their conditions and rebels to a point they become outlaws and flee their cities or run away from the men to live in some tiny women groups hiding in woods and jungles and living on their own, facing the harsh Gor world on their own. These women are known as "Panther girls, living in woods or Talunas, living in jungles".
We learn aswell that The Priest Kings are at war with another E.T specie called "Kurri", sort of werewolfs, and fighting since millions of centuries against them for the domination and control of Univers. "Kurri" are attempting to take control of Gor and use to corrupt some humans to reach their goal.
It is important to notify that The Priest Kings never appear to the humans, they remain a legend for them that turned into a "religion" where Priest Kings are considered as Gods and feared for they use of their power when necessary and kill humans that would attempt to broke the laws they made.
To resume, Gor is a planete with Harsh life, men domination and many bloody Wars for the supremacy of 1 city ruling all the others. The Law of Stronger!! no pity for the weak!


Gor est une Planete presque similaire à la Terre, elle pourrait être considérée comme sa soeur jumelle, situé sur le même axe de rotation que la terre, mais derrière le soleil cachant celle ci, et ayant le même cycle de rotation et de vitesse autour de celui ci, ce qui rend Gor complètement invisible pour les Terriens.
Gor est une planete gouverné par une forme de vie extra terrestre appelée "Les Prêtres Roi" étant une espèce comparable à des fourmies géante avec une technologie extrêmement avancée, qu'ils utilisent pour contrôler l'Univers.
Les Pretres Roi ont capturés des humains de la terre et les ont transportés sur cette planete appelée Gor, où ils les y ont laissé livrés à eux même, créant un nouvel ordre de vie et une nouvelle société fondée sur la loi du plus fort et où les femmes sont dominées par les hommes, étant contraintent à une forme de soumission tres sticte et codifié dans le meilleur des cas, l'esclavage étant la soumission ultime, forcé ou non, et anhilant tout droits.
Les Pretres Roi ont limité la technologie militaire à des armes médiévales de base comme des lames (épées, haches, lances,etc..) et des arcs, l'épée étant l'arme la plus couramment utilisée.
Toute tentative de travailler sur une technologie militaire avancée, par l'homme, aboutirait à leur destruction totale par les Prêtres Roi, créateurs inclus. Cependant les Prêtres Roi permirent aux humains d'obtenir une médecine de pointe très avancé technologiquement, accordant aux humains de vivrent sur Gor en étant quasiment immunisés à toutes formes de maladies ainsi qu'aux vieillissement, donnant une esperance de vie incomparable à celle des humains de la Terre (des siecles).
Gor étant un monde cruel où les guerres entre les villes sont communes et mortelles, seuls les plus forts survivent, les vainqueurs d'une bataille tuant souvent les vaincus, réduisant en esclavage leurs femmes.
La société goréenne est extrêmement codifié, et gouverné par un système de castes de différents degrés de puissance, chaques cités élisant un membre de l'une de ces castes pour administrer celle ci.
Bien que les femmes soient soumises au respect des lois dictées par les hommes, il existe quelques administratrices sur de Gor, et même des cités subissant une domination féminine exclusive.
Certaines femmes n'acceptant pas leurs conditions de vie, se rebellent au point de devenir des hors la loi et de fuir leurs villes et les hommes....se regroupant alors en de petites communautées de femmes, cachées dans les bois et les jungles, survivant par leurs propres moyens, face au monde cruel de Gor. Ces femmes sont connues sous la dénomination de «Femmes Panther (vivant dans les bois) ou Talunas (vivant dans la jungle).
Nous apprenons aussi que les Prêtres Roi sont en guerre avec un autre espece appelé "Kurri", sorte de loups Garou qui les combattent depuis des millions d'années pour obtenir la domination et le contrôle de l'Univers. Les "Kurri" tentent de prendre le contrôle de Gor et utilise la corruption des humains pour atteindre leur objectif.
Il est important de préciser que les Prêtres Roi n'apparaissent jamais aux humains, ils restent une légende pour eux qui s'est transformé en une «religion» où les Prêtres Roi sont considérés comme des dieux et crainds pour leur utilisation de leur pouvoirs, si nécessaire, tuant tout humain qui oserait violer les règles qu'ils ont instaurés.
Pour résumer, Gor est une planete où la vie y est dure, les hommes y sont les dominants et de nombreuses guerres sanglantes font rage pour la suprématie d'une seule ville dominant toutes les autres.
C'est la loi du plus fort! Pas de pitié pour les faibles!
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  • : Le blog de Darkangel
  • : Gor et son univers au travers des aventures d'un vagabond appelé Darkangel. Découverte de l'univers M/s et des univers alternatifs que forment un ensemble plus connu sous le sigle "BDSM"
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